Page 14 of Her Dark Past

“Wes, in the footstool there are a couple of blankets,” Tory told him, pointing. “Grab them and park yourself here.” She patted the sofa next to us. He did as he was told, settling himself on the edge. Tory shook her head and leaned forward, grabbing hold of Wesley’s tweed blazer and dragging it down his arms.

“Wes, we are chilling out. You cannot chill out dressed like some university professor.”

“Well, but I am a university... lecturer,” he protested, twisting as she dragged it off him.

“Tough. Tie,” she replied, holding her hand out and staring at him until he loosened it and pulled it over his head. She tossed it on the footstool on top of the blazer then pushed him back against the sofa. “Get comfy,” she ordered, and I smothered a grin. The poor guy looked about as uncomfortable as he could get.

“How hungry are you, Tory?” I asked. Her head whipped around, and I saw her eyes drop to my throat. Her pink tongue slipped out and darted across her lips, and I sucked my breath in as her eyes connected with mine. Raw desire shone from their dark depths, and I felt my cock jerk underneath her. She couldn’t have missed it, and my hands tightened on her hips.

“I… Um...”

“I could fancy Chinese, unless you’d rather have something else?” Wesley chimed in, breaking the moment.

Tory blinked and looked back at him.

I took a shaky breath. “I’m good with Chinese. How about I order a few different things and we just share it? Tory?”

“Sure, sounds good,” she agreed, not turning around.

I called the local takeaway as Tory arranged the thick blankets over us all, directing Wes in whispers until she was happy with our positions on the sofa. She lifted her feet up and laid them across Wesley’s lap.

“Is that okay?” she queried. I smiled at him as he looked over at me, then back at her.

“Oh, um, yes, that’s fine.”

“Oh good,” she murmured. “I went for a run yesterday, and I wore the wrong trainers. My feet are killing me today.”

I switched off my phone and chucked it on the footstool. “Delivery will be in about an hour, they are busy tonight.”

“Well, we can watch something until then,” she suggested, picking up the remote and turning on the TV. “How’s this? A woman is happily married and keeps remembering her old boyfriend from years ago?”

I shrugged. As long as her gorgeous round ass was nestled on top of my cock, I didn’t give a shit what we watched. I was just happy to have her in my arms after she’d ignored me for days.

“May I?” I looked down at Wesley. He slid off her slipper and took one of her feet in his hands, rubbing it with his thumbs. Tory groaned.

“Oh God, Wes, that’s amazing.”

He carried on, digging his thumbs in and working the muscles in her foot before switching to the other one. Ignoring the TV, Tory leaned back against my chest and closed her eyes. Not one to be outdone, I moved my hands up from her waist to her shoulders and slid the straps of her top down her arms. I set my hands on her shoulders and began to massage them. She moaned again as I dug my fingers and thumbs in, working out the tension. She was really tense, and as I worked on her, I felt her melt against me.

Looking down at Wesley, I saw him doing the same, now working his way up her calf. She shifted against me, and I realised that she was pressing herself against my cock. Lowering my head, I pressed my lips against the soft skin of her neck. She gasped, and Wesley looked up at us. I smiled at him then moved my mouth lower, just brushing gently against her. Her breathing picked up, so I slid my hand across her front, over her collarbone, and wrapped my hand gently around her throat. Her pulse was racing under my touch.

“Jack,” she whispered.

“Am I forgiven?” I asked, grazing my teeth against her ear.

She nodded.

I ran my hands down her arms then up again, my fingertips brushing the swell of her breasts. She pushed back against me, and I cupped them through the fabric, rubbing my thumbs across her nipples.

“Wesley,” I murmured, and he looked up at me, his lips parting when he saw what I was doing.

“Do you want me to...”

“I think Tory needs some more attention higher up. Maybe if you slid her sweatpants off, it would be easier for you to reach.”

“Oh, er... yes.” He swallowed and lifted the blanket, tugging at her sweatpants. Tory braced her hands on the sofa, lifting herself up so Wes could slide them out from under her. I groaned quietly in her ear as she settled back down. My trousers were fairly thin, and knowing only them and her underwear were separating my cock from that delicious pussy was torture.

Looking over her shoulder, I watched Wesley begin to massage her legs again. He moved slowly up her leg, working each muscle as he went. I knew it was turning her on because every time he moved farther up, she pressed herself down on my cock, and I was fairly certain she didn’t even realise she was doing it.