Page 33 of X My Heart

“Umm never,” I tell him, stamping the cigarette out.

Mac lets out a slow whistle while I’m putting the screws in their designated boxes; I’m not the Marie Kondo type, and he knows it.

“You’re scared, aren’t you?” Drew asks.

“When have I ever been scared?” I scowl, a lock of hair falling in front of my eyes.

His grin is pure evil.

“Better make up your mind, son, before you start courting,” Mac drawls, “I’m going to Jay’s for lunch, can I get you guys anything?” Mac asks.

“No thanks, man,” I say, and Drew shakes his head. He gives us both a wave, and heads to the main house leaving us alone.

“What?” I ask Drew, crossing my arms, and leaning against one of the many work tables.

He dips his chin at me. “Mac’s right. I’ve never seen you look at someone like you look at her.”

Shaking my head, I say, “She doesn’t need my shit. And judging by my track record, she is better off alone,” I tell him. “Facts, man.”

“Maybe this time it could be different,” he states.

“I love your silver-lining thinking, bro, but this is my life and I can’t screw it up like I already have. It takes everything to stay off drugs, I don’t need another distraction,” I say, throwing the screwdriver on the table overflowing with other crap. “She doesn’t need that in her life—waiting for me to go off like some ticking time bomb.”

He narrows his eyes. “Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Punish yourself,” he answers, his voice soft.

“Don’t,” I warn him.

“Hunter, come on.”

“Forget it. I’m going to answer some emails,” I say, leaving him alone.

I spend the rest of the afternoon in our homemade gym to do some stretches, and ride around the track until my ribs can’t take it anymore. After I’m satisfied with my progress I head back to my apartment and microwave some leftover pasta. Later, Drew and I settle ourselves behind my PlayStation before he calls it a night. I take a shower, and don’t bother putting on a shirt, instead I pull on my sweatpants and walk into the kitchen. The couple hours Drew and I spent in the water, and my session on the track helped me clear my mind for a while. That all went to shit the moment I started to think about the way Sky touched me, and I decided I needed to do something about the blue balls I was sporting. I’ve never come that quick in the shower before thinking about some chick, one I haven’t even seen fucking naked.

The knock on my door wakes me from my daydream. “It’s open,” I yell, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

“Are you busy, Hunt?” Jay asks, closing the door behind him.

“Want a coffee?” holding the pot in the air.

“Sure,” he says, looking around my room like he’s nervous.

“You okay, Jay? You look kind of tired,” I say, pouring him a mug and take my seat on the couch.

He sits down in a chair opposite me and runs both his hands over his face. He looks at me, and takes a deep breath. “I need you to stay away from my daughter.”

“What do you mean?” I frown and slide his cup across the table.

“I’m asking you to back off,” he states.

“Nothing happened. I only took her to the beach, and you always tell me to make new friends,” I say, forcing a smile.

He shakes his head, taking a large gulp from his coffee. “Trust me. I’m not asking this to piss you off.”

“So, you’re ordering me to keep my distance?”