Page 32 of X My Heart

“I intend to do just that, the screwing part I mean,” I joke, slamming the door shut.

“I should be keeping you out of trouble, not pushing you over the edge.”

Snickering, I turn the ignition. “Eat shit.”

“Take her out. I dare you.” He laughs darkly.

“That’s never going to happen. The screwing part? Maybe in my dreams,” I mumble, glancing in the rearview mirror. I’m totally lying and judging by the look he gives me he knows it. “I’m kidding. Relax will ya, I can’t go there, and I don’t intend to. Jay’s blood, can’t vouch for her though, did you see the way she looked at me?” I reply drily, trying to keep my face in check.

“You’re an asshole,” he says, rummaging through the glove compartment.

“You’re not the first who’s called me that this week.”

Drew smirks, shifting in his seat, and balancing his feet against the dashboard. I look over my shoulder to check if the wetsuits are still where we left them. Putting the car in drive, I hit the gas pedal.

“She only needs a friend. She has those lost puppy eyes going on,” I yell, trying to speak over the rock music. I glance at Drew. The son of a bitch is smirking, like he doesn’t believe I can keep it in my pants. My dick twitches against my zipper, thinking about the way my hand tingled as I touched her cheek. Turning onto the highway I push up the volume of a Motörhead song.

“The way you’re trying to convince yourself she only needs a friend says it all, dude,” Drew tells me.

“Hey, don’t we all?” I shrug.

He narrows his eyes. “Maybe the cold water will do you some good.”

“Damn right it will.” I grunt, praying the ocean will give me some perspective when it comes to the brown-eyed girl back at the house.

We spend a couple hours in the water before we head home. I love the beach. There are no problems in the water. It’s just you and your board. My father used to tell me, before he got sent to Afghanistan, before the drugs, before his arrest, that the water washes everything clean. Maybe my old man had it right all along. Could Sky being here be a new start, for everyone? I park the car in front of the garage, Drew jumps out, and hangs our wetsuits on the wash line outside.

“Can’t believe you talked me into working on your shit, I’m tired man,” Drew mumbles, as I follow him into the garage. He heads straight for the coffeemaker and empties his cup in three large gulps.

I place our boards against the wall, and catch the towel he throws my way. I dry my long hair and slam dunk it in the overflowing laundry hamper.

“Come on, dude, where did your happy fucking demeanor go?” I chuckle.

He flips me off. “It went out the window when I got a text from that interview guy when you were in the water, basically saying we’re not going to fuck again because he’s getting back with his model boyfriend. That’s where.”

“I’m sorry, dude,” I tell him, and I mean it. He deserves someone real, not like those fuckers he keeps bringing home. His scowl never falters, and I press my shoulder against his trying to lighten the mood. “You know I’m here for you, I may not suck your dick, but you’ll always have my heart.” I wrap my arms around him, pulling him against my chest. He takes a deep breath and relaxes.

He kisses my cheek, and says, “You’re an asshole, Hunt, but I love you anyway.”

Grinning, I help him put the new bike onto the workbench. “I’m sorry, man, he doesn’t fucking deserve you. And I always pictured you with some military type dude, someone who doesn’t take shit from anyone. And judging by your porn habits I guess I’m right,” I say, trying to bite back my smirk.

“Yeah, dipshit, I may go for the strong silent types, now get to work.” He grins, bumping his fist against my shoulder. He turns on the Spotify list on his phone as Mac walks in. Some country tune blares through the speakers, and the early morning hours pass by in a heartbeat.

Running a hand over my sweat soaked forehead, I lean against the open door and light a cigarette as Sky walks onto the back porch and grabs the railing, looking in the direction of the track. “What do you think brought her here?”

Drew shrugs, and Mac shakes his head not saying anything. “Don’t know,” Drew mumbles.

“Don’t you think it’s weird she’s here?” I pause. “I tried to ask her why she came when I took her to the beach yesterday, but she shot me down.”

Drew shakes his head. “Dude, I think it’s weird how obsessed you are with her. You know she’s only visiting, right?”

“Fuck you, asshole, and of course I know,” I reply.

“If you like her so much, take a chance. Try and act like a normal guy. That might do the trick, instead of almost running her over at the track,” he says, and Mac chuckles.

I hold the cigarette between my teeth, and brush both my hands over my stubble, the bristles scratching my palms. “I took her with me to get a burrito, and you were the one who told me I should make new friends,” I say, ignoring his last comment.

“You want to be her friend now?” he counters. “Have you ever had a girl as a friend?”