Page 52 of Self Control

"What time is it?" He groaned, holding his head. He sat up, pulling his end of the blanket around him, but he didn’t move away from Mykie. Instead, he seemed to melt against her side. She had to stop herself from smiling.

"You've only been asleep for twenty minutes of so," Mykie murmured in his ear.

"We had to stop because Renly’s car got a flat tire, and someone didn't know how to fix it," Blaine sneered.

"I already apologized, alright?" Caspar grumbled.

"I still don't understand..." Renly murmured. He looked from Mykie to Corbus and back. He looked hurt and betrayed, which irked Mykie.

She stood up, ignoring Corbus' protests as he had to catch himself quickly as he sunk forward into the cushion she was previously sitting on. She pushed past Blaine and Caspar, ignoring them as well as her sights were set on her target. She believed Corbus, but seeing his reaction to hisfriendleaning in her lap as he slept was worse.

She didn't pause in her step as she swung her hand, slapping Renly across the face. His face turned with her hand and before he could recoil, she grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him close. She spoke loud enough for the rest of the boys to hear her. "Get this through your head quickly: I'm not an object you can just claim and tell everyone else to keep their distance.Especiallywithout tell me."

"What? I—"

"No," she snapped. "We're all tired and need to get some rest. We'll talk in the morning.Allof us." She looked around the room, making eye contact with each of the boys.

"We didn't do anything," Caspar argued.

Mykie let go of Renly and turned around. "Yes, you did. Let's be completely honest. if I was, for example, to say I was going to date Renly, what would you say, Caspar?"

He looked away. "I'd say I was happy for you."

"But you wouldn't mean it, right?" she murmured.

He glanced back at her and rubbed the back of his neck, giving her a weak smile. “I think so?”

"This why we have to talk," Mykie murmured quietly. "It's best if we all get some sleep now, though. I'll take the couch and see you in the morning."

"It's not fair for you to sleep on the couch when we invited you to stay here," Caspar pointed out. "I'm sleeping in the guest room, so I can offer you that, if you'd like."

"No. I don't need your back hurting as well as your foot," Mykie argued.

"I'm already sleeping on the couch. Take my room," Corbus said, his eyes already drooping as he laid his head on one of the couch pillows.

"I'm not sleeping in anyone's room until we have our talk," Mykie countered. She sighed. It would have been easier if she just went home. She still had the chance, she thought. "Maybe I should go home? We can have our discussion a different day?"

Blaine groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. One eye was squinted shut while the other was open, a clear sign that he was going to regret his words. "Just sleep in my room. I can promise to stay far away from you."

Mykie admitted that he seemed to be telling the truth. Blaine had not spoken more than a few words to her, and those that he did were gruff and rude. He wouldn't be trying to get a leg up with her or try anything. Honestly, she didn't even see a reason to include him in the conversation of a relationship with his friends. He'd made it clear that he wasn't interested in her at all.

"Alright," Mykie said, agreeing. She collected her laptop and her bag of clothes for the next day. "Stay on your side, and I'll stay on mine.”

She started heading for the stairs, Blaine on her heels. She waited at the top, polite enough not to walk into his room on her own. When he reached the top of stairs, he gave her a skeptical look before he opened his door. "How did you know which room was mine?"

She tilted her head as she followed in behind him. She looked over her shoulder and spoke. "Process of elimination. Everyone else's rooms I've seen."

She turned back around and set her bags on the floor against the opposite wall of the bed. The room was clean, but looked lived in, unlike Renly’s.

Blaine's eyes only narrowed further, and he slammed his door closed. "I've been trying to figure out what you've been playing at the entire night."

Mykie turned around and took a step back when she noticed his stance. He was leaning against the door, his foot bent up against it. His arms were crossed, and he leveled a glare in her direction. The pose itself should have intimidated her, but she'd had worse threats come her way beside a silent stance.

"I don't know what you mean," she said, giggling. Maybe if she acted dumb, he'd explain faster?

"You're not stupid. You do everything with some sort of intention, even that scene downstairs. I wouldn't be shocked to hear that Friday was on purpose, too," he snapped.

"Friday wasnotmy fault," Mykie said, shaking her head. "I think I'm way over my head with those boys."