Page 51 of Self Control

"That's a very specific word,pressure,” he muttered, and Mykie almost thought that would be the end of the conversation. “There are some days that I don't know what they care about more: money or their son.”

"You think they don't care about you?" She looked down at him, brushing a lock of hair that fell into his face. She liked the way he curled it and how her fingers got tangled in them every now and then. It made her wonder what he would look like if he permanently curled it at a salon.

"I think they might care, in their own way. They don't support my decisions, though. They want me to be a doctor or lawyer or something equally high paying. They think I'm some sort of genius." He snorted. "They couldn't be farther from the truth.”

"You don't think you're smart?" she asked, her hand pausing on top of his head. "I think you'd have to be, to study all the subjects for the classes you're taking."

He turned over in her lap, facing upward and looking Mykie in the eyes. He placed his hands on his stomach and his eyes shined with the threat of tears. "I can’t keep up the lie anymore, especially with you. I’ve been keeping a secret from everyone, even Renly and the guys. I dropped out last semester. I couldn’t handle the pressure and I can’t handle telling my parents the truth. They got divorced a few years ago because he cheated on her with one of his students and they refuse to talk to each other unless it has to do with me. My father thinks I'm nothing but a troublemaker and my mother thinks if I'm not a trying to earn enough money to send back to her, then I'm not worth her time."

"I'm sure that isn't true. They must care about you," she whispered, placing a hand on his. She squeezed the one on top gently in a show of support as a tear finally broke free, running down the side of his face. She couldn’t imagine the buildup that he was feeling.

"I wish it wasn't," he said just as softly. She wiped away the wet trail, almost feeling his emotions inside her own chest as he shut his eyes.

Now she understood what he meant when he said he knew what it was like to have pressure on his shoulders. Compared to him, her pressure was silly. If she didn't get this job done this week or even the next, it wouldn't be a problem. Sure, Chance would be disappointed in her, but there was nothing to be rushed in this job, and she wasn't the only one that could do it. But for Corbus, there was no bigger pressure than when it came from those who were supposed to love you unconditionally.

She picked up his hand, entwining their fingers as she lifted it to her mouth. She placed a gentle kiss on the back of his hand and left it there for a moment as they stared at each other in silence. His chocolatey eyes seemed to be watching her every move.

"Let's both forget about the pressures hanging over our heads for the night. Let's just focus on each other for the time being," she murmured. She pressed another kiss to his hand before bringing it back to his stomach.

"What are you doing?" he breathed.

She used the same hand she held his hand with before to reach over and cup his cheek. "Isn't that obvious? I'm doing what I want."

She was surprised when he leaned up on his arms and suddenly their faces were inches apart.

"You're sure this is what you want?" His gaze flicked down to her lips then back to her eyes, uncertain.

"Don't make me repeat myself," Mykie whispered.

His face inched closer to hers, close enough that he could have only extended his lips slightly and kissed hers, but he stopped again.

"Not tonight. I want us both to have clear heads," he explained. He backed away so he could see Mykie's expression.

Mykie internally groaned but knew he was right. Kissing him right now, when the boys could walk through the doors at any moment, would be a mistake. It would create a huge misunderstanding, and she wanted to talk to them before things went any further with any of them. She also thought about Caspar and couldn’t help but to think if she should talk herself out of trying to be with all of them. She shook her head to clear it of that thought. No, she deserved this chance.

"Then lay down and stop tempting me to kiss you," Mykie said as she pushed at his shoulder. He gave her a humor-filled grin and laid back down, staying so he was still facing towards her instead of away.

Mykie resumed brushing her fingers through his hair as she booted up her computer with the other hand. She saw him yawn out of the corner of her eye, but when she looked at him again, he tried to look wide awake.

"I know you're tired. Go to sleep," she murmured after a while.

It took only a few more minutes of brushing her fingers through his hair to lull him asleep. By that time, she had all of her files up on her laptop and she was ready to get to work. However, she couldn't seem to take her eyes off the boy for long. Her chest felt warm and fuzzy inside as she brushed aside a stray hair of the dark mop on top of his head. He was definitely due for a haircut in the near future, but she liked the length for now.

She smiled to herself. Tonight went well, all things considering. Caspar was safe and Corbus was well and sleeping. Renly, however... He'd be lucky if he'd have working eardrums after she was done with him.

She heard doors slamming outside, and she readied herself for the confrontation once everyone was inside. She closed her laptop for now as she waited for the band of boys to come barreling through the door.

Sure enough, the boys were as loud as they could possibly be as they came in. Renly was at the rear of the group, but was the first to notice her on the couch.

"Mykie, what—"

"If you wake him up, I'll be even more pissed than I already am," she said in a low but harsh voice.

Corbus groaned in her lap and started to lift his head, but Mykie stopped him with a hand.

"Shh. Go back to sleep. They're not going to be loud again," she said in a soft voice but lifted her head to glare at the three boys, daring them to disagree.

He ignored her and turned to look at the garage door.