Page 46 of Self Control

"What?" Mykie asked, tilting her head.

"I've already had it. I was waiting so I could use it without seeming like a creep, since you didn’t remember giving it to me before," Renly admitted.

Mykie's mouth hung open. She couldn't believe he was admitting that to her, even if he was a little buzzed. From how he made out Friday night, she thought he could hold his liquor a little better than she seemed to. Maybe on Friday his goal was to hold off on drinking too much so fast to make sure she was okay?

She was about to respond, but he plowed on as he started to reveal more secrets.

"Corbus almost gave it to me, but he's very secretive with his phone. Says that only he's allowed to talk to you. Is that true?"

Corbus put a hand to his chest as he started choking on his saliva after he heard what Renly said. "Don’t listen to him.”

"You just don't want me to admit that you lik—"

Corbus smacked his hand over his friend's mouth, cutting off the rest of his sentence. Corbus, in his drunken state, seemed to be more confident in front of her than he was Saturday morning. It was a surprise to her, but she wasn’t sure if she liked it. If she had to guess, this might have been his first time drunk.

She felt herself starting to blush. If this was how they all acted drunk… She should shut any conversation of “liking” down until she could decide on her feelings for them. She already kissed one boy tonight… was she confident enough to do anything with another?

"It's getting late, and I need to prepare my own stuff in the morning for work," she said, standing up from her chair. She turned around and pushed the chair back into the table behind her.

"You can't stay out longer?" Corbus whined. He put his entire weight on the table, almost flipping it if not for Renly's quick instincts. He pushed the table back down and grabbed his friend's arm.

"You have class at tomorrow," Renly stated, moving to stand. "Out of all of us, you should have been home hours ago."

"Why should I care?" He pouted, pushing Renly's hand away weakly.

"Come on," Mykie said, touching Renly's arm. "I'll walk you all out to your cars."

Renly's arm snaked around her waist and pulled her against his side. "Sounds like a plan."

With Corbus walking between Mykie and Renly, Blaine and Caspar were left to walk together. They only stopped long enough for Mykie to gesture to Jezebeth behind the bar that she was leaving. Jezebeth took only a moment to glance at her companion and smirked before tossing her the car keys.

Mykie caught them in mid-air and gestured with her chin toward Dexter, who was on the other side of the room with his own group of guys. Mykie lifted her eyebrow in question. Jezebeth shook her head and shrugged. Jezebeth would probably get a ride with Dexter, but she wouldn't be doing anything with him tonight. However, Mykie was surprised when she tilted her head in the opposite direction towards a guy at the bar. If she was honest, she was disappointed in Jezebeth, but she would never vocalize it.

Renly tugged on Mykie's waist and she let herself be pulled toward the front door. She saw some of the Snakes sitting at some tables and nodded in acknowledgment. They nodded as well, some of them lifting their glasses in her direction. She was getting used to the gesture of respect the more they did it.

She felt the wind hit her immediately as they stepped outside of Pearl's. Renly must have felt her shiver as he pulled her closer, tripping over his feet in the process.

"Where did you park your cars?" Mykie asked as they stood outside the doors.

"We parked that way," Blaine answered, pointing down the street.

Mykie frowned. She was parked in the opposite direction, and she was hoping to at least see them off. "I have to go the other way. It was nice to see you all again. Maybe we can do this again?"

"No," Corbus whined. "You can't go home yet. The night just started!"

"We all have places to be in the morning, so it's not smart to stay out any long—"

Corbus shook his arm out of Renly’s grasp and pressed a finger to Mykie's lips, effectively stopping her mid-sentence.

"Stay over again. Please?" he asked, followed by a pout. Mykie could see his eyes were watering up and she sighed. She knew it was useless to argue with someone drunk and couldn't see reason properly. She glanced behind him and saw that Blaine's mouth was set in a grim line. Did he not want her around? He hadn't smiled since she sat down with them.

Renly was clearly frowning. Caspar, clearly unsure what to say, only shrugged when she looked at him. So much for him having her back…

She did say she wanted to know about them and get to know them...

"I can't go anywhere without my laptop. I have a meeting coming up,” Mykie argued, but it sounded weak, even to her ears.

"I'll go with you to get it!" Corbus said, grabbing her arm, and spinning her away from Renly.