Page 45 of Self Control

"Please, be my guest," Mykie said with a giggle. "I'd love a night to myself every now and then. She's been home a little too much after she broke up with the last one. Never learned how to live with someone else and keep the volume down at night when she's watching TV, either."

"I'm trying my best, Myk. What more would you like me to do?" he said, giving her a joking smirk but his tone was serious.

"Keep woo-ing her. She's starting to get the hint lately, I think. Seemed to be taking the hint at the diner, too. She's just being slow on the upkeep right now."

"Sounds like another girl I know," he murmured.

Mykie turned around in her seat and punched him in the shoulder. "You're rude!"

"Yeah, yeah. What's new?" He chuckled, dodging another fist coming for him. "I'll see you later, Mykie."

He nodded in Caspar's direction. "Watson."

Caspar's eyes widened. "Uh... Dexter? I don't know your last name, sorry."

"'Dexter' is fine," he said. Mykie hit him in the side where she could reach him from her seat. He rolled his eyes and set his hand on her shoulder as he leaned forward, holding his other hand out to Caspar. "Fine, it's Williams. Dexter Williams."

Caspar accepted his hand, shaking it. "Williams, then."

Dexter took his hand back politely and bent down to speak in Mykie's ear. "You won't have any problems from the rest of them downstairs. I made sure no one doubted your decision. As long as Caspar keeps his head down and doesn't give them a reason to bulk right now, you're okay."

Mykie laughed and nodded, keeping up the appearance to the rest of the boys that the conversation was lighthearted. She knew Dexter would take care of it before she needed to address it. She was thankful for her friend's ability to read situations and need to jump in and protect her.

Dexter stood back up and with a look, he told her she'd see him later. He walked away towards the bar, where Mykie could see green hair from her seat. She must have hid from Dexter when he passed by her. However, it was possible that he knew all along, and used it as an excuse to come over and talk to her.

Mykie chuckled. Dexter was nothing if not smart.

She turned back towards the boys again only to find none of them laughing.

"You guys all seem pretty close,” Renly muttered, pouring himself another drink.“How did you guys meet, Caspar?"

“He and Mykie were out for breakfast when she saved me from my boss,” he said with a nonchalant shrug.

"That jacket of his was interesting," Blaine said suddenly, drawing four pairs of eyes in his direction. "As was the girl’s."

"Do you recognize them?" Mykie asked uneasily. "I mean, the company they were made from?"

Blaine and she were locked in a staring contest as they studied each other. He was skeptical of her. That much she could tell. But from the tightness in the face, Mykie was unsure whether or not he was going to blow her cover. It was also unclear whetherhercover could be blown. Did he realize that while she wasn't wearing the jacket, that she was connected to them?

Besides, he recognized the jacket, not the faces. How did he know about the Cantil? Only by their symbol? Did he know a Cantil? She'd know if he was one of them, but she wasn't sure if she would remember if he was a Hatchling. He was older than her, too. She wasn't present for all of the introductions once she joined, anyway, no matter how hard she tried to be.

But as she studied his face, she couldn't help but notice how dark his eyes were. When she first saw him, she thought it was just a trick of the lights outside, but his eyes were such a dark brown that they could be just as black as his pupils. He was almost unreadable, and she had a feeling that any emotion shecouldread from his face was one that he wanted her to see.

She had to make a decision. Blaine didn’t seem like the type of person to keep secrets. It was either she creates the narrative, or she’d have to play along with his.

It was frustrating that she was the one that eventually had to break eye contact.

“They’re Cantil. It’s kind of impossible to work here with the Cantil owning the place and not meet a few of them. Plus, Jezebeth was kind enough to get an apartment with me.” She took Renly’s recently poured shot before he could grab it and downed it within seconds. After a short coughing session, she spoke again. “I’d know if those two were the dangerous ones.”

"Maybe that's why," he said, looking down at his drink. He seemed to have a grimace, however, making her think that he doubted that she was going to admit what she did. That conversation ended, though, and the boys focused on the bottle. It was interesting to see the boys get drunker and drunker with each shot, especially Renly, whom she was too drunk to watch on Friday. She was used to watching the progression of a drunk man get drunker, but never so close up with people she cared about.

After a few rounds of drinks for the boys—minus Blaine, who seemed to be the self-appointed driver for the night— Renly placed a hand on top of hers, bringing her attention to him.

"You've been really quiet. You disappeared for a while earlier, and Caspar said he couldn't find you... was something wrong?" He said, leaning his head forward into her personal space.

"Nothing was wrong. There was just a problem with inventory that I had to fix," Mykie explained.

Renly nodded exaggeratedly. "Well, you said when you were at my place..." he paused, as if he was collecting his thoughts, " my place that you'd give me your number. Do you want to know a secret?" He whispered the last part.