Page 40 of Self Control

Jezebeth handed Caspar his crutch and once he had it, Mykie pulled him along. There were many people who raised their drinks in Mykie's direction, while others watched Caspar critically as if he was going to bolt.

Mykie knocked on Chance's door before entering the room, Caspar on her heels.

"Mykie," Chance said, barely looking up from his paper-covered desk. He had his hands on his desk as he stood bent over it, the desk lamp shining brightly in the dark room. "Just the girl I was looking for. How's the job go and how’s the one I gave you before?"

"We'll talk about that in a minute. But first, I want to introduce you to someone..." she trailed off, smiling uneasily towards her adoptive father. She felt slightly nervous introducing the two men to each other. She'd only known the one for a weekend, but she was very protective of him, especially since he got hurt. However, making them meet like this almost felt like having her father meet a boyfriend, something she'd never done before.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, looking up slowly from his papers as he finished reading them. They looked at each other before his eyes shifted to the boy hiding behind her shoulder. However, since he was taller, it was impossible to say he was hiding, exactly. More like keeping a safe distance.

"Mykie," he sighed, running his hand through his blonde hair that was starting to show some gray from stress. "What did you do?"

"I helped someone that needed it," she explained gently, stepping towards his desk. She pulled one of the chairs in front of it out and plopped down. "Isn’t that something I should do?"

Chance pinched the bridge of his nose. "Butwhyis he here?"

"I don't know if news traveled over the weekend, but there was a... amishapon Saturday."

"I did hear about it. I didn't realize you were the cause of it," Chance stated, sitting down in the chair behind his desk. He leaned forward, leaning his head on his hands as he listened for an explanation.

"I couldn't sit by and let him be fired. You know I wouldn't let something happen like that. I thought... I was thinking..." She sighed, burying her face in her hands. "Iwasn'tthinking. I spoke before I thought, and now I'm in a bad situation with everyone, aren't I?"

"It's a problem we've got to fix," he agreed before pausing. "But, you're willing to take responsibility, which is why I'm letting it pass."

"What?" Mykie asked, lifting her head out of her hands. "You're letting this go?"

Chance leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "What more can I do? You've already brought him down here. You already announced your claim on him both on Saturday and in front of a number of Cantils. You believe you're ready for a Hatchling, so who am I to say no?"

"But I don't have to pay? You want nothing?" Mykie asked skeptically.

"Consider it a freebie for years of you focusing solely on the Cantil," he said with a shrug. "But as far as anyone else will know, I've got you on your current job to make you earn him."

He kicked up his feet, leaning them against the corner of his desk. "Now, why don't you invite your boy to sit? I'm sure he'd like to get off his feet while we discuss the job I gave you."

Mykie cursed under her breath. She was so rude, leaving him to stand near the door. "Come sit with us, Caspar."

He visibly gulped before he crossed the room. She felt bad that he was on crutches, and hoped that he'd been resting his foot enough that by the end of that week or the next, he'd be able to walk on it again.

"Chance, this is Caspar Watson. Caspar, this is my father, Chance Lauder A.K.A. the Snake King," Mykie explained, gesturing between the two.

Chance held out his hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Your father?" Caspar took his hand and squeaked when Chance gripped his hand.

"Adoptive father, but I'm protective of her as if we were blood," Chance answered, giving Caspar a cold smile.

"He's harmless," Mykie assured him, placing her hand on Caspar's outstretched arm. She glared at Chance, who snorted and let go of Caspar's hand. Mykie pulled it into her lap, wrapping both her hands around it in hopes of calming his obvious shaking.

“You promise to stick by Mykie, through everything as a Hatchling?” Chance asked.

Caspar leaned forward in his chair. “I will. I owe her my life, and I’ve promised that I will pay her back in any way she asks me to.”

Chance seemed to be searching his face.

“Very well. Why don't we get down to business, Mykie, now that this is settled?" Chance stated, leaning back in his chair again.

"Should I be here for this?" Caspar asked, glancing in Mykie’s direction.

"That's up to you." Chance paused, focusing his attention on her as well. "Do you trust him enough?"