Page 39 of Self Control

When Mykie looked Caspar in the eye, she didn't know what she was seeing. Fear? Curiosity? Confusion?

He looked further around the room. People were everywhere. Some were sitting around drinking and laughing with each other. Others seemed to be focusing on folders in front of them. A few were gathered around in the bar and a small group were playing darts.

When he turned back to Mykie, his expression was set. He took the hand that was on his shoulder and dropped it until they could lightly entangle their fingers. “I promise I will do whatever it takes to stay with you and keep your secrets. I intend to stick true to what I told you Sunday night.”

If it wasn’t for the darker lighting, she would have been afraid that someone would call out her blush. She felt like a fool. Holding her hand was so simple…but his words said more than holding her hand did.

"You're one of us now, kid," Jezebeth quipped, hitting Caspar on the back and almost launching him forward on his crutches. "At least, if this night works out in our favor."

"Mykie’s favor is all I need, in my opinion," Caspar said with a smile, looking at each member of the trio, but didn't get an answer. Instead, they were all focused on another trio that was approaching them.

"Vesper! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Jered Andrews barked. He hadn't changed much since Mykie's initiation. He decided a year ago that instead of letting his blonde hair hang loose and easily accessible in a fight, he'd tie it up and out of the way like Dexter.

He and his two lackeys—which Mykie never learned the names of—stood in front of Mykie and her friends, blocking the way towards Chance's office.

"I'm doing what I like. Now move, Andrews," Mykie bit out.

Jered shook his head. "No, I don't think I'm going to. Besides, it seems like you've got a lost puppy following you around. Care to introduce him?"

The room was slowly quieting as they took notice of the standoff. Whenever Jered and Mykie fought, the Cantil always took notice due to the entertainment value. They didn't care if Jered hit a girl or that he was attacking the boss' daughter. They knew she could defend herself and would do it time and time again.

Besides, they knew the fighting wasn't serious. Usually.

Mykie put a hand acrossCaspar's chest, blocking him from Jered and stopping him from saying anything.

“Back off.”

"Alright, Vesper. No need to give me your bitch face." He chuckled, holding his hands up. "Just wanted to see who you’ve got eating out the palm of your hand now. Last I heard, you and Dexter had a little blondie—"

"I'm warning you, Jered. Stay away from him. Stay away fromanyonethat's mine," Mykie bit out.

"That one isn't yours. At least, no one has been told about him. Do you think you're special and get to talk to anyone about us?" Adam sneered. He was sitting at one of the chairs beside their small bar. The puss on his face was all she needed to know that Chance wasn’t happy with how things were run without him.

"Shut up," Mykie snapped.

"Oh, is the little princess finally getting angry? What is she going to do, run to Daddy?" Jered chuckled, looking around at the group that was gathering around them. "That's right. Daddy's never home enough to deal with your whining."


Within seconds, Mykie was on top of him and whaling into his face full force. She didn't wait for him to have the time to react and start hitting her back as she grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him up until their faces were inches apart. His bottom half of his face was covered in blood from a bloody nose and split lip.

"You don't know what you're talkin’ about. I certainly wouldn't be talking, either. At least my father gives a damn about me, can you say the same?" she hissed.

He attempted to push her off him, but she shook him. "Last warning, Andrews. Stay away from me and what’s mine. Next time I might not let you go."

She released her grip on his shirt and let him fall back as she climbed off him. She looked back at the trio behind her. Dexter was unfazed and Jezebeth was buzzing with energy as she waited for a moment that she could jump and get her own hits in. Caspar, on the other hand, was staring at her, wide-eyed and confused. His lips were parted like he just took a quick intake of breath, but his eyes were heated as he looked her up and down.

Mykie didn't give him more time to react. She stood up straight and gestured toward Chance's office. "Come on. Let's get this over with and get Caspar back upstairs."

Dexter gave her an affirmative nod and Jezebeth sent her a lazy salute. She walked over to Caspar and held out her hand in an encouraging way. "I don't bite. Trust me."

Caspar looked down at her hand and made a face. She followed his gaze to her bloodied hand and frowned.

"Sorry," she said softly, pulling her hand back. However, his hand shot out, making him lose his crutch on one side as it clanked to the floor.

"No," he said, his voice wavering and his hand tightened around Mykie's. He cleared his throat before he spoke again, this time more convincingly. "I’ve seen it once. I’ll need to get over it, eventually. We're in this together now, aren't we?"

Mykie nodded, biting back a smile.