Page 13 of Self Control

He seemed to think for a moment before he focused on her again. "Mallory?"

Mykie started to move off him, regretting her decision to play along with him. His grip tightened around her waist, not letting her go.

"I'm kidding, Mykie! I'm just kidding!" He chuckled.

Mykie stopped trying to get away, but she didn't relax either. "It wasn't a good joke."

Renly sobered. "You're right. I apologize. I wouldn't forget your name, especially not after the secrets we shared with each other."

She schooled her expression. What would she have shared last night, and how damaging could it be?

"You look scared. Is there something you don't want me to know?" he asked, quirking his eyebrow. “Other than that you’re a Cantil Girl?”

He chuckled when she let out a big breath. “I promise that I won’t share anything you told me last night. Wouldn’t want you to lose your job.”

She was glad that even drunk, she must have known not to talk too much. If he knew anything important, he would have blurted it in that moment, or at least have run the other way.

She shook her head, her voice shaky as she spoke. "I’m not worried. I just have a lot of embarrassing stories I hope I didn’t tell, that's all."

Renly chuckled, and she could feel the way his body shook with every laugh.

Eventually, his laughter died down, though. They were quiet for a moment as they looked over each other, now in the truth of the morning. She realized now that he wasn’t as baby-faced as he looked the night before. Now he had a graze of stubble that she was almost tempted to touch, just to see if it was rough. His green eyes weren’t so much green as they were hazel, and his blond hair wasn’t as perfect as she thought it was. It had shades of other blond in it and some red tints as the sun hit it through the window. She almost wanted to reach out and tousle it, just to see if there were other colors hidden within.

Renly spoke up first, his voice softer than it was before as he seemed to study her face.

"You look nice in my shirt. It fits you," he said softly. His hands moved from grasping her sides to wander lower, his fingers grazing her butt as his thumbs rested on the side of her hip bones.

"I couldn't find my dress," Mykie said just as softly. "Do you know where it could be?"

Renly made an undistinguishable face. "I had to throw it away. My shirt, too. I have more like it."

"Youwhat?" she cried. “Why?”

"You got sick on them last night after I drove you here. You sort of threw up on me, too.”

Mykie buried her face in her hands, absolutely mortified that the man had let her sleep in his bed after she threw up on herself and him.

"Why didn't you just wash it?" She spoke into her hands, making her words probably come out like a garbled mess to Renly.

He grabbed both of her wrists, pulling her hands from her face. "What did you say?"

"That was my only black dress. You could have thrown it in the washer or thrown it in a bag and I could have scrubbed it," she explained, only a tiny bit louder than she was behind her hands.

He frowned and shook his head once. "I'll buy you a new one if you want me to. It's not a big deal."

Mykie rolled off Renly and got off the bed, seemingly surprising him enough that he didn't have time to grab her.

"What do you mean? Of course it is! You can't just go and buy me a new dress." Her eyes narrowed. "Who undressed me?"

"You took it off yourself. You told me to do something with it, so I did. Besides, it's my fault you drank so much, so I should pay for a replacement."

She couldn't argue with that logic, no matter how much she wanted to. "Well, next time, don't do that."

"Next time?" He turned toward Mykie, a smirk on his lips.

"Whatever," Mykie said, rolling her eyes but a smile ghosted across her lips. "Now, where's my bag with my keys? I need to get going, assuming that you got my car here."

Renly nodded, leaning up in bed. He rubbed his eyes, attempting to wake up a little more. "Blaine drove it. I hope you don't mind."