Page 14 of Self Control

"Blaine?" She remembered Corbus saying that name, as well. Was he the third friend?

"The grumpy one from last night. You threatened to kick his ass when he didn't give you your bag. Said something about having some dangerous stuff in there." He chuckled. "After you started kicking his shins with your heels, he decided to give you the bag but took the keys."

Mykie groaned.

"Hey, don't worry," Renly said, knee-crawling over to Mykie's side of the bed. He pulled her closer with a hand on her waist. "I'm sure he isn't going to hold it against you. Last night wasn't a big deal, and the three of us would have done it for each other, too."

"Why me, though? Why didn't you take me home?"

"Well," he grinned. "Your friend Jezebeth threatened that if I didn't take care of you and," he cleared his throat, "'show you a good time'—her words, not mine—she'd make you work all of her shifts out on the floor for the next two weeks."

Her eyes widened. For her to threaten that...she must have really wanted her to go with him. Mykie knew that Jezebeth wanted her to get out more, but for her to enforce it that badly, there must have been something more going on last night thanwhat she could remember. She couldn't help but be hyper-aware of his hand on her waist. His hands were gentle, not holding her in place but providing support and comforting her. It also made her focus on him and him only in the moment. How was he able to do that to her? Could she do it to him, too?

"I see your point," Mykie said quietly, testing her theory. She wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her forearms on his shoulders and folding one hand on top of the other. However, her plan backfired slightly, as she only becamemoreaware of the athletic man in front of her. She didn't realize until he got out from under the blankets and crawled over to her, but he was shirtless. He still had on the same pants as last night, the third pair of jeans he owned. She looked down at his chest, noting that he didn't have that classic chest for rich playboys where every muscle looked like it was chiseled out of stone. His body was normal, like he went to the gym every now and then to stay in shape, but not enough to look like every other blond boy walking down the street.

She also noted that his eyes never left hers the entire time she moved, but then she realized his eyes hadn't strayed from her since he first opened them that morning.

"You're very... hands-on with your tasks," Mykie said quietly, afraid she'd break the moment.

"Is that a problem?" he said, pulling her closer until she had one knee bent on the bed.

"I've always been told that leads to conflicting interests."

"I want to get to know you, Mykie," He murmured. "I want to know what makes that pretty mind of yours tick."

Mykie's grin lessened. "I'm not sure you'd like the result if you found out."

"That won't stop me from trying," he stated. "I'm determined."

She dropped her arms from around his neck, using the palm of her hand to push him back until he was sitting on his heels. He dropped his arms from around her waist, letting them fall on either side of his body. She felt a rush when she watched his eyes look her up and down, awaiting her next move. She leant forward on the bed until they were only a few inches apart. "I can't wait to see you try."

They were close enough that she knew their breath was mingling. Only one sudden move would connect their lips, and everything would be over for Mykie. Before Renly could realize that, she backed away.

"Let's go get breakfast," she suggested, stepped back and off the bed. "Corbus and I left a few pieces bacon for you, last I checked."

"You walked out there dressed like that?" he asked, looking at her skeptically.

"I didn't realize you had roommates. Why? Is that a problem?" Mykie asked, tilting her head slightly as she watched his reaction.

He shook his head slowly, swallowing harshly. "Not a problem. You're going to need pants to go home in, though. You can borrow a pair of Corbus', he won't mind."

"Great." Mykie grinned, circling the end of the bed and going over to the door.

"Wait, now?" he asked, turning around on the bed and started climbing off.

She held her hand out to him, offering to help him up. "Well, I'm pretty hungry, aren't you?"

He took her hand in his. "Starving, actually."

From the way he was looking at her, however, Mykie was almost certain they were talking about two different types of hunger.

“I need to check my phone first and let my friends know I’m okay. Can you help me find my bag?” she asked.

Mykie grabbed her phone and Renly went over to grab her bag for her, which was tucked out of the way inside his closet. Once she had it in her hands, she checked the inside to make sure everything was still in the right place, and she didn't lose anything last night. As always, she had her wallet and a gun with the safety onfor emergencies. Every Cantil carried one on their body, but Mykie got away with having one in her bag, which usually never left her unless she was already at Pearl's or home.

She checked the missed calls and texts she got when her phone was dead. She unlocked her phone and clicked on Jezebeth's name first, reading the most recent message.

Jez:Have fun with Loverboy! Better give him a good time after how he took care of you tonight! I'll be waiting for details!