Page 93 of Gareth

Charli chuckled. “Okay. Let’s make one last bathroom stop before we leave.”

“Guess I’d better do that too,” Janessa said. “Don’t want anyone to yell at me if we have to make a bathroom stop halfway there.”

After she left, Gareth said, “I’m really sorry you’re feeling so badly. Is there anything I can do for you before we leave? Do you need anything?”

“I’m fine. They stocked the fridge with lots of food and water for me. I think I’ll be able to survive the next twenty-four hours.”

“I can video chat with you if you want to watch the game,” Gareth offered, wanting to take away the miserable look on her face.

“That would be nice, but it seems like all the body wants to do with this bug is sleep. Janessa slept a lot, and I feel like I could sleep forever.”

“It is best to get rest,” Gareth agreed.

“Just send me pictures and videos,” she said. “And I’ll look through them when I wake up. Send stuff of everyone. Especially you.”

Gareth laughed. “Okay. I’ll do that.”

“I’d send you pics of me, but this…” She waved a hand at herself. “Is as good as it’s going to get. Plus, I don’t exactly want this preserved for posterity.”

“I’m ready to go,” Layla announced as she skipped into the kitchen.

Charli and Janessa followed more slowly, each carrying a duffle bag. Gareth was torn between wanting to get on the road because he was as excited as Layla for what was to come, and putting off leaving so he could spend more time with Aria.

He knew he just needed to go. They’d be back in less than twenty-four hours, so his reluctance to leave was a bit ridiculous. He was sure part of that, though, was just seeing how miserable Aria looked.

“Okay. We’re going.” Gareth turned back to Aria. “Consider yourself hugged and kissed. We’ll make up for all the hugs and kisses we’ve missed when you’re better.”

Her expression seemed tremulous for a moment before her mouth tipped up into a small smile. “Definitely.”

With one last look at her, Gareth followed his sisters and Layla out of the house to his SUV. He loaded their things into the back while Charli retrieved Layla’s booster from her car. Once everyone else was in the car, Gareth looked at the house one last time, lifting his hand when he saw Aria standing in front of the living room window.

After she waved back, he slid behind the wheel. “Let’s hit the road.”

The four-hour drive could have been a headache with a child of Layla’s age, but Charli always made sure she came prepared to entertain her for the duration of the trip. They did stop halfway through to get gas and use the bathroom. Gareth grabbed himself a coffee, then sent a quick text to Aria, attaching a selfie he’d taken as he’d pumped gas.

She didn’t respond right away, but by the time they arrived at the house where they’d be staying the night, she’d sent a text back.

MyHeart:Looking good! Hope everything is going well so far!

Once they’d carried their bags into the house, Gareth took the time to send her a reply.Just arrived. Trip went great. Smells like supper is ready, then we’re heading off to the game.

Gareth greeted his parents, who had returned for Cole’s game and planned to spend a couple of weeks at home before heading back to Haiti.

“I heard that Aria was too sick to come,” his mom said, concern on her face.

“Yeah. She got the bug Janessa had and is just miserable. It’s too bad because she’s really become a basketball fan, so it’s sad she has to miss this final game.”

“You and me are sharing a room, bro,” Wilder said as he dropped his arm on Gareth’s shoulders. “I called the top bunk.”

“We’re on bunk beds?” Gareth asked. “I might need to find a hotel room.”

“C’mon. Let’s check it out.”

Gareth picked up his duffel. “I’ll see you in a few, Mom. Gotta go see what Kayleigh has stuck me with.”

His mom laughed as Gareth trailed after Wilder. The house Kayleigh had rented was huge, with plenty of bedrooms, which was necessary whenever their family showed up. Of course, the two family members in school were absent, but he was pretty sure that one of them was going to video call them so they could watch. They didn’t do that for every game, but this was the big one.

When he got to the bedroom, he discovered that, as usual, Wilder was joking around. The room had two double beds in it, so they’d have plenty of space. He had a king-sized bed at home, which was way more space than he needed, but he’d bought it hoping that some day he’d share it with his wife.