Page 92 of Gareth

Tears fell heavily, and Aria buried her face in her pillow to muffle the sobs that welled up from the depths of her soul. She didn’t know how she was going to move on from this. Right at that moment, she didn’t even want to.

But she couldn’t stay, so it was necessary for her to pull herself together enough to pack up her life and leave.


“I’m so sorry,” Janessa said. “If she hadn’t done such a good job of taking care of me, she never would have caught what I had.”

Gareth felt so bad that Aria was sick. He’d heard how horrible it had been for Janessa, and he hated that Aria was experiencing that now.

“I told her I was going to stay home this weekend and take care of her, but she is insisting that I go.”

Gareth nodded as he helped Janessa finish up. Even though it was Friday, the clinic had closed at noon, since they were heading to the game in a city four hours away. Nora could have worked the rest of the day, but it would have been difficult for her without someone to handle the reception desk.

“I texted her that I’d stay too,” Gareth said. “But she was very insistent that she’d be okay.”

“I mean, I was okay, too, for the hours I was on my own while she and Charli were at work. So I think she will be, but I just feel so bad.”

“Stuff happens,” Gareth told her. “And honestly, Aria doesn’t seem to blame you at all.”

He’d talked to her the night before, and she hadn’t sounded great. They’d texted off and on that morning, and he planned to see her when he went by to pick up Janessa, Charli, and Layla.

Janessa sighed. “I just know how much you and her were looking forward to this weekend. I feel like I spoiled all that. Especially since it’s Cole’s last big game.”

Gareth laid an arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. “There will be lots of big events to come.”

Janessa gave him a sly grin. “You looking that far into the future?”

“I am,” he said confidently. And there was something in his heart that told him that Aria was too. “So yeah, lots of events we can attend together in the future.”

That seemed to be the right thing to say because Janessa’s shoulders lowered, and she moved a bit faster as she went to finish up the last few things before leaving. Thankfully, Nora and the other nurse were covering the free clinic the next day.

Nora had gone above and beyond lately, taking care of the Saturday clinic three weeks in a row now without complaint. He’d thought there would be some sort of repercussions following Jay’s blunt statement, but it was like she’d finally accepted that there was no future for the two of them.

Once the clinic was closed up, Gareth headed to his place to change and pick up the bag he’d packed for the trip. Kayleigh had booked them into a short-term rental place for the night. It was large enough for them all to stay there, so they’d have a quick meal together before going to the game.

He didn’t linger long at his place, hoping he’d be able to spend a few minutes with Aria before they left.

When he got to the house, he jogged up the walk, then took the steps two at a time to the front door. He’d barely rung the doorbell when it swung open, and Layla stood there with a grin. She wasn’t dressed in the cheerleader outfit that she’d no doubt wear to the game, but she was clearly ready to hit the road.

Gareth stepped inside, closing the door behind him. After he took off his boots, he followed Layla into the kitchen. Aria was there at the counter, sitting on the stool furthest away from everyone, while Janessa and Charli discussed the snacks they’d bought for the trip.

Aria looked as bad as Janessa had when she’d been battling the bug, and it made Gareth’s heart hurt. She gave him a weak smile when she saw him, but as he walked toward her, she held up her hand.

Shaking her head, her expression turned regretful. “I’m not going to be responsible for you getting sick.”

Gareth stopped in his tracks with a frown, realizing she was right. “This sucks.”

She nodded, looking as miserable as he felt that he couldn’t hug her. “I just don’t want to take the chance of any of the rest of you getting sick.”

“So far Layla and I are feeling fine,” Charli said. “But admittedly, you were around Janessa more than we were.”

“Let’s keep everyone as healthy as possible.” Janessa grimaced. “Trust me—and Aria—this is not something you want to get.”

Aria nodded, her gaze lowering to her hands. She wasn’t even touching the counter beside her, so Gareth knew she was taking spreading the germs seriously.

It was frustrating, though. He wanted to hug and kiss her before going. However, if she was well enough to hug and kiss him, she’d be coming with them.

“Let’s go! Let’s go!” Layla jumped around, clapping her hands. “Let’s go watch Cole win!”