Page 128 of Whirlwind

“That’s my Violet.” He brushed my lips with a kiss.

“It’s so different from what I felt at the Tingle. The strip club has certain school rules, a framework—girls over here—boys over there—there’s a constant power exchange on both sides.”

“Not here. We’re all on a level playing field here.”

“I like that.”

My gaze settled on a couple screwing on a mound of fluffy furry rugs. The man reached out his hand to two women who were kissing nearby. They smiled and got closer, settling on either side of the couple and touched and stroked the body of the woman getting fucked. One of them started kissing the man, and his hips pumped harder into his partner.Oh, everybody wins.

There was a thrumming intensity in the room. No one was in a rush, everyone took their time, enjoying being watched. Enjoying taking their pleasure.

The warmth of Beck’s breath seared my already hot face, the contact melting my insides. My hand shot up and went to the side of his face. I needed to touch him, to feel his heat. To connect.

“Whatever you want to do, Violet. You do. That’s what this is about. Be open to it. The same way you ran up to the roof the other day and jumped off.”

My heart sang at his generosity threaded with protectiveness. It was erotic and it twisted through my limbs and veins like a charge of electricity.

I licked my lips. “What do you want to—”

His warm thumb brushed my lips. His fingertips laid a fiery trail along my jaw. His gorgeous blue green jewel eyes held mine. He was making a decision. “I want to watch you get off any way you want. You decide, you choose.” His hot, wet tongue flicked along my lips.

A little breathy moan escaped me, my eyes shut for a moment. Holy. Fuck.

You decide, you choose.

The room had transformed into a throb of flesh and moans and movement—slow and rushed and determined. Irina cried out as she rode Tag on a mound of pillows on the floor. A man came along and touched her chin. She smiled at him, and he took her mouth in a deep kiss that turned deeper, rougher. He squeezed her tits and tapped his hard dick against her gleaming wet lips. She sucked it in.

My teeth scraped my bottom lip, my insides seized. Tag thrust quicker, smacking Irina’s breasts, as the other man fucked her mouth.

Beck’s fingers rounded my neck, a hand kneading my breast. “I want you to experience this level of free, Violet. Of do whatever you want with whomever you want. That’s why we came to Greece, right? Our escape from all the bullshit, from all the rules and obligations.” His sudden sharp tone matched his firm strokes on my breast. My hand clutched his as he squeezed my nipple through the thin fabric of my dress, his tongue licking behind my ear.

Whatever I want? No rules? No obligations?

Had I ever had that level of free in anything? Never. I’d always wanted it, hadn’t I? And now my current lover was handing it to me on a silver platter. Encouraging me to dive, to fly, explore.

Encouraging me to enjoy.

Irina tugged at her tits as she came and finished off the blow job at the same time. She pulled up off of Tag, and the blow job man wrapped his arm around her and hoisted her off. Tag’s gaze locked on me, a grin pushing at his lips. His hand went to his cock and stroked. He wagged his tongue at me.

Heat blasted my insides, my limbs weakened. Tag beckoned me over with his tongue. He stroked himself, his eyes on me.

“Give into your fantasy, Violet.” Beck’s voice filled my ear.

“Are you sure?”

Beck took me by the hand and led me to Tag.

My body trembled with every step. Beck slid behind me, a wall of heat and reassurance at my back as Tag stood up and stroked the sides of my face. He towered over me, this otherworldly creature. His scent, man and cinnamon and citrus and sweat swept my senses as his lips brushed mine. A foreign tongue invaded.

Tag’s tongue. Tag’s taste. A rumble rolled in his throat. He liked. He wanted more.

This was the fantasy come true, wasn’t it?

Two hands slid around my torso, and my breath cut. They fondled my breasts. Beck’s hands. Reassuring. Supporting. Encouraging. Maintaining the fire.

Gabrielle’s smiling face peeped at me over Tag’s shoulder, and I stiffened. Tag pulled me in closer, his hands pressing up my sides to my neck, his hard-again cock nudging across my middle, between my legs. My insides stung.

Tag pulled me down to the floor, a thick, silky, fur rug met my bare limbs. He slid me back against silk pillows. Pushing open my legs, he lazily licked a trail up my chest, my throat, down my middle, going down, down, down, his fingers sliding inside me.