“Fuck yeah…” Tag murmured.
My back arched as he licked between my legs. So illicit, so crazy. The sounds of flesh slapping, raw grunts rose all around us, adding to my own fervor to fuck, to come. My head twisted, and a mouth took mine and I blinked. I knew that tongue. I loved that tongue.
Beck on my mouth. Tag between my legs.
I was devouring.
I was being devoured.
I was going to explode into a million crazy pieces.
Other hands brushed my legs, Tag’s chest. Gabrielle’s soft laughter rose between us. Beck’s beautiful face filled my vision—was that now or in my memory?
My heart raced like it wanted to escape the prison of my chest, my lungs couldn’t keep up. My blood pummeled through my veins, my skin unbearably hot. But there was only Beck’s face. Beck’s beautiful molten blue green eyes. His eyes on me wanting, needing, coming. His hands exploring, finding, delivering.
My body shuddered, my own flesh was out of my control. The beat of the drum intensified.
Dive, soar, roar.
The explosion of pleasure ripped through me and I cried out. Two hands raised me up roughly, turned me over, quickly lifted my hips. Tag. Tag was behind me, a hand digging into my hips, steadying me, a sheathed cock sliding. Sliding.
My voice. My choice.
Tag stopped his movements.
What were good manners in this situation? Maybe I should have researched Orgies 101 before we came here to be sure. Was this against the rules? No, no, the rules were be polite, be clear, a no is a no. I turned to face him. “Tag—”
“It’s cool.” He only grinned and reached for Gabrielle. The two of them twisted away from me, the two of them a raucous mound of flesh.
I lifted my gaze. Beck. Only Beck.
I grabbed him and he kissed me. I held him, wrapped myself around him. “I only want you. You, Beck. You.”
His hands dug into my body, and he thrust inside me as I held him close. Closer. That warm sweet musky scent of his skin, the press ofhisbody, the feel ofhissweat on me eased me, excited me. For the first time ever in my life, I wanted more of the man I was with. Not just my coming, I wantedhim. I wanted to comewithhim. With Beck.
His sharp, ragged breaths matched my own. We wanted, we wanted.
He’s coming, I’m coming, and it’s all mine. All ours.
Yes, ours.
We laythere on the floor of the orgy room entwined in each other, stroking, kissing, moving, grinding, the symphony of sex all around us. We watched, we moaned, we screwed again, participants in an erotic fantasy come to life. No words were necessary, only the caress of fingers, the hum and licks of satisfaction.
We explored the further offerings of the house—a bondage scene, wax pouring on skin, crop whipping, all set in elegant surroundings. A theater of the wild. To witness all these things that I’d always been curious about with Beck made me feel alive. Our hands clasped together or his arm around me. He was my light in this dark, fierce tunnel of intrigue.
Somehow we made it back to the hotel and took off our clothes and dove into the glowing blue water of our pool. We were exhausted and lay down on a cushioned jumbo lounger together. Side by side, the two of us naked, we stared out at the invisible dark sea.
“That was crazy amazing.”