My heart thudded in my chest as I snaked my way through the tables, the electro pop music thumping through the cavernous room.
“Lenore!” Grace hugged me.
“I finally made it. The traffic was really bad on the way over here,” I said on a throaty laugh. “And there’s a line outside.”
“Lenore, this is Tania. And, Tania, this is Lenore, who has the lingerie store in town you love so much—Lenore’s Lace. Finally, you two get to meet.”
Tania was riveted to the spot. She raised her chin and made a great effort at an effortless smile. “Lenore?” she asked, a tentative quality to her voice.
She grinned wide. “Grace has told me so much about you. I love your store.”
Tania, my protective soul sister. That hadn’t changed. Grace’s face was rosy, her eyes literally sparkling. She was thrilled that we were finally meeting.
“Oh, thanks,” I replied. “It’s good to meet you, Tania. Finally. Grace has told me a lot about you, too. Congrats on your art gallery slash antiques store. When are you opening?”
Tania’s lips curved up.
We were smooth. Yes, we were.
“Next month, hopefully,” Tania replied.
Tricky came up on my side, and slung an arm around my neck, planting a firm kiss on the side of my face. My eyes remained on Tania.
“You want a drink, hon?” Tricky asked me.
I squeezed his arm, shaking my head. We’d spoken earlier, and he’d told me he and the guys would be here to “check things out.”
Grace laughed. “Geez, Tricky, it’s ladies’ night. We’ve got this covered! Stand off.”
I flashed Tricky a smile and brushed my lips against his. He pressed against me, cradled my face with both of his hands and deepened the kiss into a tongue fuck, making my spine straighten. He’d missed me.
“After this pansy show, I’ll be nailing you to the wall, giving you a performance you won’t forget,” he whispered in my ear, a hand sliding down my hip, squeezing. He sauntered back to the bar where all the One-Eyed Jacks were lined up, gripping beer bottles, scanning the club. This nightclub was their second home, yet now they looked more like squirrels trapped in a cage rather than tough dudes on a night out at their local strip club.
“Oh, look at them all.” Mary Lynn let out a laugh.
A topless male waiter brought a tray of shots to our table, and Grace and Dee passed them around. Tania remained still, her gaze never leaving me.
I put my a hand on her elbow. “Nobody knows. Nobody here knows anything about who I really am,” I said, my voice low. “Have you ever said anything to Grace?”
“No. I didn’t even realize you were here, that you I’ve had a lot on my plate, and I never put two and two together. Over forty brain block.”
“Right? I know that one well.”
“I’ve never said a word to anyone. I’m sticking to that.”
My eyes shifted around us. “Thank you.”
“How are you? You look great.”
“I’m good. Things are very good.”
“You and Tricky?”
I shrugged. “We hang out off and on. It’s fun.”
“Good for you.”