That’s why I’m here.

I think about the way it felt when I first opened myself up to the power of the moon. It was like I was more than my physical body. That’s the vibe I get from Wilder.

So yeah. Definitely attractive.

He grins at me. “No, I don’t do this with all the girls,” he says. “I don’t usually meet a lot of girls. Definitely not ones as good looking as you.”

Well. Okay. Game on, Wilder.

“You wanted to talk to me about tomorrow?” I ask.

He nods. “I spoke to the High Sorcerer, and she’s agreed to meet you.”


He grins. “You were expecting a guy, right?”

I shrug. “Wolf packs are always led by men.”

“Well, covens aren’t quite that patriarchal. Men and women can both rise to power.” He eyes me appraisingly. “You could gain power someday, if that was what you wanted.”

I’m not sure I love this sales pitch. Is he trying to woo me into his coven with the promise of power? “I’m not interested in becoming a High Sorcerer,” I say.

“We’ll see,” he says.

“Kind of smug, aren’t you?”

“I’m not being smug. I’m just saying, don’t assume you know everything about Moon Casters and how you feel about our covens yet. You only just got here.”

He’s right about that much. I should at least try to play down my assumptions. “So your High Sorcerer wants to see us?”

He nodded. “I did have to talk her into it a little,” he said. “So you’ll want to be on your best behavior.”

I can’t help laughing. “You mean, don’t walk in and attack her?”

“Yeah, that’d be inadvisable.”

“We won’t,” I say. “Or at least, I won’t.”

His smile fades slightly. “You think there’s a chance the others will?”

“Oh, no,” I say quickly. “Definitely not. They’re stubborn, but they’re not idiots. They know we’re in the middle of someone else’s territory here. They wouldn’t walk in and attack the leader even if they were feeling hostile. It would be a fight to get back out after that, and they’d be so outnumbered that they would definitely lose. No, you can count on them behaving themselves. It’s just…I’m not sure they’re going to be willing to come at all.”

“Oh,” Wilder says. He glances at the curtain-door that leads into our makeshift apartment, and I’m sure he’s wondering the same thing I am—whether my mates are listening to every word on the other side.

Of course they are. I would be.

“Will it be a problem?” I ask. “Is your High Sorcerer going to be pissed if it’s just me?”

“I think she’ll trust the situation a little more if she gets to meet everyone,” Wilder says. “But one is better than nothing.”

“I’ll do what I can to convince them to come along,” I say. “Personally, I agree with you. It would be better if everyone could just meet up.”

He nods. “I’m really glad you came, you know,” he says. “I know you took a risk to do that.”

“I’m hoping it’ll be worth it,” I tell him.

“It will,” he says.