“And you think they’re going to care about the difference?”

“They used magic themselves,” I say. “If we can show them the truth about what that means, I think they’ll absolutely care.”

Regine sighs. “I think I’m going to regret this,” she grumbles.

“Have I ever been wrong before?”

“Constantly, and you know that.”

“Just meet with them,” I say. “Just talk to them.”

“You already know I’m going to say yes.”

She’s right. I do know. Because if there’s one thing Regine can’t stand, it’s being in the dark about something.

“I’ll bring them to you in the morning,” I say, grinning.



“Idon’tbelieveit,”Nate says.

He’s peeking through the curtain at the hallway beyond. I look up from my can of beans.


“He’s backagain,” Nate says. “Doesn’t he have anything else to do?”

He can only mean Wilder. I get to my feet. “He can hear you through the curtain, you know,” I say.

Nate shrugs. “Wasn’t being quiet.”

I roll my eyes at him and go to the door. I pull back the curtain to see Wilder standing there, leaning up against the opposite wall. “Want to come in?” I ask him.

He glances over my shoulder at Nate, and at Milo, who is staring out the window at who even knows what. “I don’t think they want me to.”

“It’s your home, not theirs.”

He shrugs. “I just came to see if any of you wanted to talk about what to expect tomorrow.”

I look over my shoulder at my mates. Milo still isn’t making eye contact, and Nate has his arms folded across his chest like he would slug Wilder as soon as sit down and talk to him.

“Maybe it’s best if just you and I talk,” I say, taking his arm and guiding him back out into the hall.

He glances over his shoulder. “They really haven’t warmed up to me.”

“Did you think they would?”

“I didn’t know what to think. It’s not like I’ve ever brought hybrids back home with me before.”

“So you don’t do this with all the girls?”

Immediately, I feel myself blush a little. That definitely sounded like I was flirting with him.

But you know what? Maybe I am. It’s perfectly harmless. He’s hot. I like how tall he is. I like how slim he is—it speaks to a totally different kind of power than I’m used to. Every guy I’ve ever found attractive has been a physical fighter. This guy, you can just tell, doesn’t fight with his hands. He has other ways.

And they’re ways I want to learn.