“Thanks for the coffee and the scone.”
“Which we didn’t enjoy at all.”
“We will. There will be plenty of times in our future for us to simply relax and enjoy without feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders.”
Eve nodded, but felt a pang. Her actions had put the weight of the world on his shoulders. But to argue about that right now would be pointless. She had more thinking to do.
Anson had made his feelings on the topic clear. They were a team, and they would make it through these trials together.
Once Anson left, Eve wandered her apartment, finding it difficult to settle.
Without taking time to think, Eve changed into something more comfortable and took the elevator to the top of the building to see her grandmother. She found Gran on the rooftop terrace tending her plants.
“Eve.” Beneath the straw hat, Hal’s face broke into a wide smile. “I’m so glad you came to see me.”
“It’s been a full day.” Eve raked a hand through her hair. “A rough one. I needed my Gran fix.”
Hal flashed another smile and pointed to a small round table with two metal chairs near a tall tomato plant. “Let’s sit and enjoy this beautiful day.”
Glancing up at the sky, Eve realized she hadn’t even noticed the bright sun and blue, cloudless sky. Then again, until now, she’d spent most of the day indoors.
“I caught your interview this morning.” Her grandmother filled two glasses on the table with lemonade from a porcelain pitcher that sported a lemon and sunrays along with the wordsMake Lemonade.
Eve took a sip, relishing the tartness. “Were you expecting someone?”
“I believe in being prepared.” Hal took a sip from her glass. “You and I are a lot alike in that regard.”
“I wasn’t prepared for this thing with Jason.” Eve set down her lemonade.
“How could you be?”
“I wish I’d have seen clearly what he was like.”
“People can be clever at hiding their true self.” A cloud seemed to pass over Hal’s face, but was gone so quickly that Eve decided she’d imagined it.
“I’m delaying my cosmetics launch.” Eve blew out a breath. “I don’t want to, but orders were being canceled, and there’s so much negative press right now.”
“Sometimes the best course is to walk away, but that should be a last resort.” Hal’s blue eyes turned fierce. “Driskills don’t give up without a fight.”
“I didn’t give up or walk away,” Eve insisted. “I stood my ground with Jason and—”
“Yes, yes, you did, and I’m proud of you.”
Her grandmother’s words had tears springing to Eve’s eyes. “Then why do I feel so awful?”
“While the sad truth is loss and sacrifice are sometimes part of growing up, that doesn’t diminish what you’re going through. The challenges we face often come with a high price tag.” Hal’s eyes grew dark with memories. “What happened is unfair, no doubt about it. When you get to be my age, you’ll discover that every single woman you know can talk about a time in her life when something didn’t work out for her or was a hundred times harder just because she’s a woman.”
“I’m feeling very discouraged right now,” Eve admitted. “My career plans are in shambles. This thing with Jason has affected not only my life, but Anson’s. I’ve brought nothing but pain to those I love.”
Hal cocked her head. “What are you saying, Eve?”
“I’ve been thinking that it might be best if I go away, for a little while, anyway. Go somewhere where no one knows me.”
“Don’t even think of running away. Promise me, Eve.”
The emotion in Hal’s words took Eve by surprise. When she glanced at her grandmother, she saw tears swimming in the older woman’s eyes.
Eve met Gran’s gaze. “I can’t promise—”