Reaching across the table, Hal seized Eve’s hand in a death grip. “Then promise you won’t take off without speaking with me first. I can’t lose another one I love.”
Another one?Eve didn’t have time to ponder the strange comment, as Hal was on her feet and rounding the table.
Eve rose as well. “Gran, I just don’t want to cause this family any more embarrassment.”
“We love you. Every single person in this family loves you.” Hal’s intense blue eyes never left her face. “I couldn’t bear it if you left.” Taking a breath, Hal let it out slowly and appeared to steady. “I want your word. You will not leave without letting me know of your intent and giving me a chance to talk you out of it. Promise me. Your word.”
“Okay.” Eve gave a grudging nod. “You have my word.”
Hal pulled her close. “You’ll get through this, and you’ll be stronger and fiercer because of it. Helen Keller once said, ‘Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.’”
Eve let her head rest, just for a second, on her grandmother’s breast, drawing strength from a woman who’d seen her share of adversity.
“Mark my words, Eve, the trials you currently face will make you a stronger, more compassionate woman.”
On Friday night, Anson stopped over at Eve’s after participating in an open forum for the candidates running for city council seats.
Before the sex-tape incident, Eve would have been in the audience. Likely in the front row. Recalling Britt’s warning, Eve had turned down Anson’s invitation to accompany him. Though she’d simply be sitting there, not on the dais with him, she knew she’d be noticed.
When he’d arrived, Anson had taken a seat on the sofa and explained how the evening had gone, but she could tell he’d glossed over some parts. She had a feeling those parts had to do with her.
“What’s the matter?” Anson brushed a strand of hair back from her face with a gentle finger. “All of sudden, you look sad.”
“I never can hide my feelings from you.” Her attempt at a teasing tone fell flat.
Green eyes that had danced with mischief and happiness only minutes earlier turned watchful. “I hope you don’t feel the need to ever do that.”
She looked away from his scrutiny.
“I’ve decided to attend the Autumn Ball tomorrow night with Miles.” Eve pushed out the words she’d wanted to say since he’d arrived.
Anson nodded, as if what she’d said wasn’t troubling in the least. “That’d be great. I like Miles and don’t get to see him often. Having the three of us go together isn’t a problem.”
Eve cleared her throat. “I, ah, was talking about just Miles and I going together.”
He stilled, and his brows furrowed in confusion. “What are you saying, Eve?”
It’s for the best,she told herself as she gathered her courage. “You know as well as I do that it’s not smart for you to be seen with me.”
“I don’t know anything of the sort.” Though his tone was matter-of-fact, fire sparked for the first time in his emerald depths.
“C’mon, Anson.” Eve forced a smile. “The press will be out in force at this event. The haters will be there, just waiting to see if we’re still together.”
“That’s what they’ll see. That’s what I want them to know.” Anson’s gaze never left her face. “You and I are together.”
“Don’t you understand what that means? They’ll turn on you, just like they’ve turned on me.”
“You don’t think I can handle it?” His tone turned flat, and his expression became unreadable.
“I don’t want you to have to handle it.” Eve flung out her hands in frustration. “This was my screw-up, not yours. If anyone should pay the price, it should be me.”
“It wasn’t your screw-up. You were the victim.”
Eve crossed her arms across her chest and said nothing.
“Not going with me to the ball, then, is your way of protecting me.”