“Heart attack? Do you have a heart condition?”

He sighs. “No, Freedom, my heart is fine.”

I win a few more pennies and take another spin at my machine. “Well, I know it’s not ED. My vajayjay felt like it was plundered by a Buick this morning when I woke up.”

Samuel chokes on air. “Jesus, Freedom!”

“What? It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’m not ashamed,” he says, pressing the button and spending another handful of pennies on the slot machine.

“Good, because I was seven shades of sore this morning. I’m not exactly sure what all we did, but we did it well, Sammy,” I say, as I place the max bet and push the button. The moment the numbers spin and fall in line, the sirens start to go off and the word winner flashes across the screen. “Holy shitballs, Sammy! I think I just won!”

“Seriously?” he asks, standing directly beside me and glancing over my shoulder. I can smell his cologne. It does things to me. He gasps. “You won over four thousand dollars.”

“Shut. Up!” I look at the screen, and indeed, it says I won four thousand three hundred and two dollars. “Holy shitballs!” I throw my arms around him and squeal, not even caring it’s directly into his ears. “We won!”

When he sets me back down on my feet, he’s grinning from ear to ear. “We didn’t win anything. That’s all you, Freedom.”

A few people come over and congratulate me, including those three lurkers at the end of the row. “Hey, congrats,” one says, eyeing Samuel, while the other two blatantly stare at my boobs.

“Thanks! I’m Karen, and this is my male submissive, Jose.”

All eyes are on me.

“What?” Samuel whispers, a tad on the harsh side.

“I’ve been thinking of making it a party while in Vegas. You boys interested in joining us?” I take a step toward the first wide-eyed guy and pat his cheek. “Have you ever worn a ball gag before?”

“We better get going,” one says, practically dragging his friend away from us.

The moment they’re gone, I burst into a fit of laughter. “That was fun.”

“What is wrong with you?” he asks, pulling at his collar, as I press the cash out button.

“Nothing a good flogging wouldn’t fix,” I tell him as I take the paper ticket. When I turn back to face him, he’s pale again and looks like he might actually vomit. “What?”

“Are you serious?”

“I never joke about flogging, Sammy. Come on, let’s go cash this baby in!”

Samuel cashes out his machine and hands me the ticket. I put a dollar in and am getting twenty-four cents back. As we make our way to the cashier counter, his warm hand wraps around mine, and I have to fight a smile.

In line, he turns and asks, “Are you sure you’re done? Don’t you want to try to win more?”

I shake my head right away. “Hell no. I’m good. I never win, so I don’t want to risk losing it all, thinking I can add to it. I put a five in the machine, prepared to lose it. Why risk all the money I just won?” I ask.

When I turn, he looks like he’s considering my words. “I guess I just assume most people would want to win even more.”

We step forward in line. “Well, I’m not most people, Sammy.”

He sighs. “I definitely agree with you there.”


After a slight detour around the area, we make our way back to the hotel. We step inside the cool air-conditioning and find Jensen and Kathryn exiting the coffee shop.

“Hey, I thought you guys turned in hours ago,” Samuel says.