“We did, but then decided to walk around for a bit. We caught one of the Bellagio fountain shows. Have you seen it?” Kathryn asks, her eyes bright with enjoyment.

“Yeah, a bit ago. Then we went to the casino and won some cashola,” I say.

Jensen looks shocked, his gaze sweeping between Samuel and myself. “You?” he asks, pointing to his big brother. “Went to a casino? Willingly?”

“Of course,” Samuel replies, straightening that necktie.

“And now we’re headed up to my room so I can give ol’ Sammy a massage,” I announce, instantly sensing the onslaught of tension rolling off him.

“A massage?” Jensen asks, completely stunned. “As in, you’re letting her put her hands on you?”

Samuel looks like he’s going to faint. “We’re not… It’s not like that. No massage.”

“He’s tense. He needs a good old-fashioned rubdown,” I tell the youngest Grayson male, while patting the oldest one on the chest.

“I think he’s definitely in need of a rubdown,” Jensen says, unable to contain his grin.

“We’ll leave you to it,” Kathryn adds, pulling her fiancé toward the bank of elevators. We all say our goodbyes and head to the coffee shop.

“Coffee? This late at night?” he asks when I get in line behind another couple.

“No coffee for me. I’m getting a green tea chai,” I tell him before placing my order. “Do you want anything?”

“No, thank you.”

With my drink in hand, we head to the elevators. Samuel is doing his best to keep his distance, but he hasn’t taken off the way I’d expect him to. I figured at first opportunity, he’d head to his own room, leaving me standing in the coffee shop. But he hasn’t. He’s stayed by my side, even if he’s not really sure why.

We get off on our floor and head toward our rooms. I start digging in my cleavage until I free my plastic keycard. “Seriously, I can’t believe you do that.”

“What?” I ask, glancing down at the card in my hand.

“Keep stuff…there.”

I shrug. “Where else am I going to keep it? It’s not like I have pockets on this dress,” I tell him as we approach his door.

He stops in front of it and turns my way. He seems to be struggling with what he’s trying to say. Samuel opens his mouth before shutting it quickly. When he opens it again, his eyes meet mine and he swallows hard. “You looked very nice today, Freedom.”

I have no idea why, but I start to blush. Sure, I’ve had compliments before, but rarely from Samuel. He keeps his thoughts guarded close, like state secrets. “Why, thank you, kind sir.”

“Well, good night.”

I reach for his hand and place mine on his as he goes to swipe the card over the lock. A jolt of electricity sweeps through my blood, and if the way he gasps and jerks against my touch is any indication, I’d say he feels it too.

“Don’t think you’re getting out of the massage,” I tell him, sipping my chai.

Samuel sighs loudly. “It’s late, Freedom. That’s not necessary.”

Shrugging, I tell him, “Maybe not, but it’s happening. I’m going to head over to my room and change out of this thing.” I pull on the skirt of my dress. “I’ll grab my oils and come back to your room.”

“You’re serious?” he asks, shocked, yet intrigued.

“As limp dick on your wedding night. Well, not our wedding night.” I wink at him.

“Jesus,” he grumbles, rubbing his forehead.

“I’ll be back in ten, Sammy,” I holler, as I head farther down the hall to my room. Inside, I sip my chai and throw on a pair of yoga pants and tank top. Usually, my go-to is a comfortable skirt, but since it’s close to bedtime, I’d rather wear the comfy pants. I pull my long hair up in a high ponytail and grab my small bottle of massage oil from my luggage. I usually take it everywhere with me, just in case.

With my oil and chai in hand, I slip my keycard into my waistband and head to Samuel’s room. I knock quietly and am surprised when he opens the door almost immediately. I’d honestly expected him to ignore the knock and keep me locked out. But he doesn’t.