She exhales loudly as she sets the glass back on the table. “Don’t do that, Sammy. I could chug cheap beer like no other when I was younger.”

We turn on our sides, her back pressed to my front. Freedom yawns again and rests her cheek against my arm. “This is comfy.”

“It’s perfect,” I tell her as I kiss her head. “Go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.”

“What’s tomorrow?” she asks.

“Mom is coming over for dinner. We have some big news to share,” I reply, running my hand over her arm.


“Yes. Well, you’re okay to tell her, right?” I ask, worrying she isn’t ready to tell people about the baby. I, on the other hand, am ready to scream it from the rooftop.

“Definitely,” she replies through another yawn. “I mean, Harper and Latham know, so it wouldn’t be fair to keep it from everyone else.”

I hug her to my chest. “Good. And I’m going to tell her we’re married, Freedom. I want her to hear it from me, but also that we’re planning a re-do.”

“Well, considering we want to do it on the beach, we should probably let her know,” she teases, but all I heard was do it on the beach.

“Go to sleep, Free. We’ll figure it out tomorrow.”

She sighs. “Okay.” After a few minutes, she asks, “Samuel?”

“Yeah, love?”

“I’m not wearing any panties.”

I groan. “Jesus, Freedom.”

She giggles the sweetest sound. “I’m just saying. It wouldn’t take much to free the willy and slide ‘er home.”

My cock responds immediately, hard and ready to go. “Good night, Freedom.”

“Fine, but I expect to be woken up with your dick between my legs,” she says just as another yawn erupts.

Sighing, I settle in to sleep. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Sammy.”

With a smile on my face, I let myself drift off to sleep, my wife in my arms and our child nestled protectively in her body. This may not be the life I expected, but there’s no other life I’d choose to live.