Chapter Twenty-Four


“I’m so glad you called,” Mary Ann says, as Samuel places a kiss on her cheek. “It’s been forever since I’ve enjoyed a meal with you and talked about what’s going on in your world.”

My heart tries to gallop right out of my chest as I think about the bombs he’s about to lay on her.

“And Freedom,” she says when she sees me. Her arms are extended and she immediately pulls me into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here still.” She glances at her son before adding, “Someone has to keep my oldest in line.”

I chuckle, but it feels awkward. “Well, I appreciate Samuel letting me stay here.” He gives me a look, letting me know he doesn’t really like my answer. Shrugging, I lead the way to the kitchen. “Come on, Mary Ann. Sammy made some delicious dip and crackers.” My stomach growls at the thought of enjoying more dip. He had me taste it this afternoon when he was making it, and I’ve been itching to get more since.

“It smells delicious,” Mary Ann says as she heads to the table.

I dive in right away, but feel bad when I see her looking at me, the slightest hint of a smile on her lips. “Oh, sorry. Guests first,” I mumble over the chip I’m trying to chew.

She waves me off. “Girl, please eat. You’ve always had a hearty appetite when you’d come over as a child.”

If she only knew…

Samuel clears his throat and joins us at the table. He’s wearing a collared polo shirt, a look that’s much more casual than his usual suit and tie, but looks amazing just the same. He’s in a pair of nice Dockers, which make his ass look amazing. He gives me a look, as if he knows I’m objectifying him in my head. I grin as he takes a seat and filling up my small plate with yummy snacks.

“So, there was something I wanted to tell you. A couple of things, actually,” he says to him mom.

“Oh, yes,” she replies, sitting up straight in her chair.

“You know the night before Harper and Latham’s wedding, we all went to the magic show? Well, when you and the Douglases went back to the hotel, we all went to a club and celebrated.” Mary Ann nods her head. “Anyway, Freedom and I, well, we went out. Alone.”

She glances my way and smiles, looking as cool as a cucumber. While I feel like my heart is going to explode out of my chest.

“We ended up…doing something,” he adds.

“Doing something?” she asks, glancing back to her son.

“Yeah. We, uh…”

I can tell he’s struggling with how to put this, so I decide to help him out a bit. “We went and got completely schnockered, and then found this all-night wedding chapel place and got hitched.”

She looks surprised. Samuel looks shocked. I shovel a little more dip in my face.

“Freedom,” he sighs. “That’s not exactly how I was going to tell her.”

“Well, you seemed to be struggling finding the right words.”

“Wait, you’re married?” Mary Ann asks, bringing us back to the other issue at hand. The fact we just told his mom that we got married. A month ago. And didn’t tell her.

“We did,” Samuel answers, as he reaches over and grabs my hand.

She glances back and forth between the two of us, and I start to feel a little moisture in the pit area. Is she mad? Happy? Shocked speechless? Finally, her eyes water as a smile crosses her face. “You’re married,” she says again, as if trying it on for size.

“We are,” I confirm.

The scrape of her chair pushing back startles me. Mary Ann gets up, and panic starts to set in. She’s leaving?

But she doesn’t leave. Instead, she stops in front of me, throws her arms around my shoulders, and…cries. “I’m so happy for you two! I can’t believe you’re actually married,” she says, running a motherly hand across my cheek. “You have always been a part of my family, Freedom, and I’m so excited to make it official.”

My vision blurs with my own tears. “Really?”

“Oh, sweet girl, really. You have no idea how happy this makes me. I mean, I’m a little shocked, to be honest. If any of my kids were going to elope in Vegas, Samuel is the last one I’d suspect,” she says with a giggle.