Well, I wasn’t expecting that. “Plans?”

“Yes. The high school cheerleaders have invited the junior high girls to come and cheer with them for first quarter of the homecoming game.”

“So, you’re ditching me to hang out at the high school?” I ask.

“Yes,” she replies, her knee swinging gently to the side and connecting with my thigh. “But…”

“But?” I ask, holding my leg as still as possible for fear that I’ll sever the connection of her contact. It’s not the skin-on-skin I’d prefer, but considering I’m sitting at my desk at school, I’ll take what I can get.

“But maybe you could come. You know, support the team and all.”

“High school football, you say?” I ask, stroking my chin as if considering all options.

“There’ll be popcorn,” she urges.

“You’ll buy me popcorn?” I ask, earning a quick head nod. “With extra cheese seasoning? And a Coke?”

“A Coke might be pushing it a bit,” she teases.

Leaning forward, I grab her hand and bring it to my lips. “Fine, so you get the popcorn and I’ll get the Cokes?”


“Deal,” I agree, pressing my lips firmly to her palm. I feel the shiver sweep through her body like a jolt of lightning.

“Your office is awfully private, Mr. Randall.” Her words are all breathy and make me think of sex. Well, think more about sex. Specifically, sex with Miss Summer.

“It is,” I confirm, running my lips up her wrist, licking and tasting the soft, sensitive skin of her inner forearm.

“That must come in handy,” she pants.

“It hasn’t yet, but I’m optimistic.”

“I bet you are,” she chokes, gasping as I swipe my tongue over the crease of her arm.

I slide my other hand up her outer thigh and grip her hip tightly, pulling her body even closer. I can feel the tremble in her legs. Legs that I’d kill to have wrapped around my waist right now. AJ’s hands dive into my hair. She tugs and pulls with just enough grip that I almost come in my basketball shorts.

“Does your door lock?” she asks, her question a plea.

“It does,” I confirm before standing up. “But we’re not locking it.”

“We’re not?” Confusion is written all over her face.

“Our first time isn’t going to be in my stinky office.”

“It’s not?”

“No way. When I finally get you naked and get to have my way with you, it’ll be in a bed and there won’t be the prospect of a janitor interrupting us. In fact, I’m pretty sure when you’re finally in my bed again, I’ll be keeping you there for a long time.”

“How long?”

“Hours,” I reply, kissing her neck. “Maybe even days.” Lick.

“Days?” she gasps.

“Fucking days, Alison,” I say just before my lips claim hers in a hard, bruising kiss.

She tastes like magic, like honey and sin, all wrapped in a sexy little package, but as much as it pains me, I have to pull away. Mostly because I’m dangerously close to losing control and we’re not in the best location for that to happen. Plus, when I finally get my hands and mouth on her, I’m going to take my time and savor every second of it.