“Holy sheetballs, AJ! Is it true? Did you go out with –” Natalie Johnson, a science teacher, blows into the classroom like the devil is nipping at her heels.
“Hi!” AJ squeaks, her eyes wide with surprise.
“Oh. Sorry, didn’t realize you had company.” Natalie glances between the others in the room, from Brandy, Bryce, and then me. When she sees me standing there, all casual and with a grin on my face, she gets all giggly and her face practically splits in half by her smile.
That’s when things get weird. Everyone just stands there, waiting for someone to confirm what they already know, smiles plastered on their faces. Okay, so Brandy and Natalie have smiles. AJ looks like she’s about to crawl out of her skin with nerves and Bryce appears to be completely clueless as ever.
“Well, if you’ll all excuse me, I have to get the ball field ready for first period,” I say, heading to the door. I’d prefer to detour towards AJ and maybe steal a good morning kiss, but know that it’s not the right time or place. Definitely not with an audience.
“Have a great one, Mr. Randall,” Brandy coos, waving and watching my backside as I leave.
“You all too.”
I smile as soon as I hit the hall, knowing that as soon as Bryce is out of earshot, the Spanish Inquisition will begin for poor AJ. But I can’t focus on that. Right now, I’d like to find out how half the school seems to know about our private dinner date from Saturday night.
Small towns.
* * *
I’m on detention duty today, which is why I’m sitting in the study hall after school on Thursday with two boys who couldn’t seem to keep their fists to themselves during lunch period. It was about a girl, of course, because most scuffles usually are, especially with teenagers. The boys have been staring daggers at each other from across the room, which tells me the fight at lunch probably won’t be the last.
I dismiss them at four and escort both boys out the front door. They give each other a wide berth, which is good since I’m not really in the mood to deal with teenage hormones and the smart mouths that come with them. Plus, I’ve learned real quickly that being forced to be the authority figure isn’t always fun.
My office door is barely shut when it opens again. When I glance up, I find those sexy green eyes staring down at me. She’s wearing a light blue top with black cropped pants and is leaning against the back of my door like some teenage fantasy. AJ Summer is way better than Playboy magazine.
“Hi,” she says softly, not moving farther into the room.
“Detention duty, huh?”
“That would be correct. It was the most thrilling thirty minutes of my life.”
She laughs. “Oh, don’t I know it. My turn is coming up.”
AJ doesn’t say anything else, and I can’t help but wonder what brought her down to my corner of the gym well after the school day has ended. Before I can ask, she pushes off the door and walks my way. I’m leaning back in my chair, one tennis shoe clad ankle resting on the opposite knee. Her eyes travel the entire length of my body, landing on the place my now hard cock throbs in my shorts.
“So, I was thinking,” she starts, but doesn’t finish. She does, however, step closer until her leg is touching mine.
I drop my leg, keeping my knees shoulder-width apart. Mostly because the baseball bat in my pants is restricting my movements. “Me too.”
“What were you thinking about?”
“Tomorrow night.”
“What about it?” she asks, stepping between my legs and sitting back on the corner of my desk. And suddenly, all I can think about is taking her right there. Seeing her brown hair fanned across my desk while I tower over her from behind, my hands splayed across her lower back as I take her from behind.
“What?” I ask, realizing she asked me a question.
“Tomorrow night. What about it?” she asks with a knowing smile.
Adjusting myself casually, I continue. “I was thinking maybe we should hang out.”
“Like a second date?”
“Definitely a second date.”
“Can’t. Have plans.”