Full of hope.

Now, even more than before, I can’t wait to see her tonight.


I’m spreading sauce along the pizza crust when I hear her car pull into the driveway. My heart rate kicks up with elation in a way that only Jaime can incite. It takes every ounce of self-control I can muster to keep from running to the front door and throwing my arms around her. But for as much as I long to hold her and kiss her, I know that there are things we’re going to need to discuss first.

She knocks on the door and pushes it open when I holler. Her scent precedes her. She’s all flowery from spending her day at the shop, but also has a distinctive scent that is seared into my brain. She’s fucking heaven.


Damn, that one word spoken from her lush lips renders me completely speechless. She’s standing there wearing a tight cotton tee in a deep red, sexy as fuck cut-off shorts, and a pair of black flip-flops. My pants are suddenly so tight, I’m afraid circulation is going to be cut off to my favorite appendage.

But what really catches my attention is the duffle bag thrown casually over her shoulder. I zero in on it, my mind filling with all the possibilities that could be in there. First and foremost: something to wear tomorrow.

“Hi,” I finally reply after the silence gets too heavy.

Jaime gives me a knowing smile, yet neither of us moves. She’s even more gorgeous than she was last Sunday when she left here. I take in every detail of her appearance, committing it to memory, so fucking excited that she’s here, yet fearful that she’ll leave at the same time.

“Pizza, huh?” she asks, her eyes zero in on the covered dough before me.

“Yeah, I thought we’d throw it on the grill,” I start, turning my attention back to the bowl of mozzarella cheese. “Throw your bag anywhere. There’s beer and a bottle of Merlot still in the cabinet that you left here a week or so ago.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch her drop the bag on one of the kitchen chairs, and head over to the fridge. I expect her to pour herself a glass of wine, but instead she surprises me and grabs a beer from the fridge. Twisting the cap off, she moves until she’s standing directly beside me. My pants tighten even further as she brushes against me. The hairs on my arm stand up, my body like a live wire ready to zap anything and everything that gets in its way.

Reaching for my bottle, Jaime removes it from the koozie and throws it in the trash, replacing my empty drink with a full one. Before she places it back on the counter though, she takes a long pull. Her lips are plump and wet as they wrap around the lip of the luckiest beer bottle in the world. Our eyes remain locked as she slowly removes the bottle from her lips and hands it towards me. A drop of brew glistens on her plump lip, drawing my attention like a strobe light. Without even wiping my hands, I take the bottle and put it to my own lips, loving the fact that they’re touching the exact same place as Jaime’s just a few seconds ago.

My cock is so hard it could break the concrete sidewalk outside. Jaime’s breathing hitches and her eyes dilate to little black orbs of desire as she watches me drink. Who ever knew drinking could be so damn erotic, but hell if I’m not turned on more than ever before. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I haven’t seen her in a week or the fact that her scent is permeating through the lusty fog suddenly consuming my brain.

As I’m setting the bottle down on the counter, Jaime gently pushes aside the ingredients for the pizza. “So, I was thinking,” she starts before hoisting herself up on the countertop before me.

My eyes devour her movements. My body moves to fill the void between her legs. “What were you thinking about?” I ask huskily.

“About your question,” she states matter-of-factly as she takes hold of my hips and moves them until I’m snuggly against the apex of her legs. Best place in the world.

“Which question was that?” I ask, toying with her just a bit. I know exactly which damn question she’s referring to. It takes every ounce of self-control I can muster to keep my hands planted firmly on the countertop. My palms twitch to touch the line of smooth skin that runs up the insides of her thighs.

As if losing her own battle with self-control, Jaime runs her fingers from my hips up my torso and around to graze against my chest. My body is so tight with desire that I’m sure she can feel the tension in every muscle she touches.

“The one that references our pending living arrangements,” she replies quietly, her eyes following the path she makes with her fingers.

“Ahh. I do recall that particular question.” Vividly. I’ve thought of nothing since.

Jaime dances her fingers up my chest and around my shoulders. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls until I’m heavenly plastered against her body. Her luscious tits are flattened against my chest, the hard length of my cock nestled against her stomach.

“And I have an answer for you,” she whispers breathlessly.

“You do?”

“Yes, but first I want to tell you about my visitor today.”

I feel my body tense, but not in the way it was earlier. “Tell me.”

“Gavin drove to town to apologize. He wanted to do it face-to-face instead of over the phone the way he did when he broke off the engagement.”

Jaime takes a deep breath, but keeps her arms locked around my neck, as if anchoring her body to mine somehow makes it easier to talk about the past. But I can still see the pain in her eyes. The difference is, now, I see something that looks like acceptance and forgiveness.

“He said he felt horrible for treating me the way he did, ending it the way he did, but he was so confused. He knew in his heart he couldn’t go through with the wedding and said he actually realized it before that week, he was just too afraid to acknowledge it. I suppose I can completely understand that, you know? I guess now it felt like we were better friends than we were lovers.”