Chapter Twenty-Six


Tonight. She’s coming for dinner tonight. I’m not sure if she’s any closer to giving me an answer to my question or not, but at this moment, that doesn’t fucking matter. Seeing her, kissing her, and hopefully making love to her is what matters right now. My body craves her like never before. Five days is too long to be without her, and tonight I’m going to have her.

I pull in front of her sister’s flower shop, a handful of wild flowers resting on the passenger seat, anxious to go inside and see her. I know she just replied to my text thirty minutes ago and I’ll be seeing her in about four hours, but I’m driving by, heading to the office to collect paychecks, so it’s only logical that I stop in and say hello. And maybe steal a kiss. Every day for the last four days, I’ve contemplated stopping by, but always talked myself out of it.

Not today.

Flowers in hand, I pull open the front door, the familiar bell announcing my arrival. When I step inside, I’m disappointed to find only Payton standing at the counter. As I step closer, her face registers shock and something else. Maybe worry?

“Hey, Payton, is Jaime here?”

She glances nervously over her shoulder and averts her eyes. “Um, yeah, she stepped out back for a minute. I’ll go get her,” she says quickly turning towards the back entrance where she parks her delivery van.

“No, you stay. I’ll go,” I tell her, walking around the counter like I own the place.

“No!” she exclaims with a squeak in her face. Her eyes are wide, her entire face clearly betraying the composure she’s desperately trying to hang on to.

“Why are you acting weird? Am I not allowed to go out and see her?” I ask, curiously.

“No, it’s not that. Of course you’re welcome,” she starts.

“Great. Then I’ll just head out this way,” I reply, indicating the back door.

As I approach the back door, I see Jaime standing out back talking to a man. They’re smiling at each other, standing about a foot a part. The man reaches forward and pinches the tip of her nose, making her laugh. My gut tightens painfully as I watch their exchange, unable to push the door open. They look comfortable. Familiar.

I’m rooted in place, watching as the man steps forward and hugs my girl. Fucking hugs her and I see red. Jaime smiles as she wraps her arms around his chest and squeezes. That single act mimics what’s happening to my heart right now. It feels like someone is squeezing my chest, stripping me of the ability to breathe.

Hell no. You don’t touch her.

Before I can even give an ounce of consideration to my actions, I push open the door and step outside.

“Ryan, it’s not what you think,” Payton says behind me, but I’m already gone, heading towards my girl and her douche of an ex. I know it’s him. I can feel it.

The caveman in me wants to race up to them, throw her over my shoulder, and stomp away. Maybe even throw a right hook in the middle of the smug bastard’s face on my way by. But that won’t get me anywhere, especially where Jaime’s concerned.

I keep my steps deliberate and steady and do my best to keep my breathing the same. There’s no time to take any deep, calming breaths as I reach them too quickly. When my movement registers to Jaime, she turns towards me, shock mixed with something lighter spreading across her gorgeous face.

She takes my breath away, every damn time.

“Ryan,” she whispers, a soft smile spreading widely across her face.

The man beside her turns full on and faces me. Gavin Morris is just as Jaime had described him, lean and tall and wearing crisp Dockers with a wrinkle-free polo. His blue eyes are wary and take me in from head to toe, as if sizing up the competition.

Game fucking on, asshole.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, eyes shining brightly which honestly shocks me. I expected her to be a bit more, I don’t know, scared? Worried? Guilty?

“I was just on my way back to the office and saw these. I knew you had to have them,” I say, extending the wildflowers towards her. Her hands are steady as she takes the small bundle of blooms.

Before she has a chance to say anything, I lean forward, claiming her lips in hard, possessive kiss for Gavin, God, and everyone else on the east coast to see. I don’t open my mouth, just keep my lips plastered to hers as if making a claim, pronouncing our status as an unbreakable couple.

I don’t let the kiss deepen, even though I’d love nothing more than to ravish her lips and her body with my own. Instead, I pull back and gaze into her semi-foggy green eyes. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

As if she’s unable to speak, she gives me a small head nod. Satisfied that I’ve rendered her speechless, I turn and head back the way I came. I don’t turn around, even though I’m dying to. I keep walking, tossing a smiling Payton a wave as I amble by.

Jumping back in my truck, I pull away from the flower shop and head towards my office. Mary should be getting ready to leave for the day, and I’ll need to tie up loose ends before she goes. I’m surprisingly lighter as I pull into the first available parking spot behind my building. Even though I found Jaime with the douche, something in her eyes and the way she smiled left me feeling happier, brighter.