She was more than ready when his fingers plunged in and forcefully began stroking her. There was nothing restrained in the act. Several times his knuckles slammed into her nub as he twisted his hand to ensure there was no place left untouched. The tide was coming up again and she was ready for it when he stopped. Bereft, she cried out and fisted her hands into the bedding to prevent reaching out for him. She did lift her feet from the floor to the frame. This gave her the leverage grabbing him didn’t and she raised her hips to eachthrust.

“Ah, good girl,” he said and Mia let the words wash over her. He didn’t praise often. Earning such from him was an effort so it meant something more to her when he did. “Stay,” was the command that followed and while she did, she didn’t think he’d give more praise forobeying.

Mia easily sensed when he stepped away and when he returned, but beyond that, she didn’t know what he was doing. She’d nothing on which to base her experiences. Something was set down on the bed and Devin stood between her legs. He was there, quiet and still so long Mia started to cool and her skinprickled.

She nearly came out of that skin when Devin finally touched her. His fingers swept down between her breasts and then his palm made circles on her belly. The bed shifted a little when he set his hand down beside her head and leaned over her. He placed brief kisses along her jaw, her cheek, and then over to herear.

“Maybe a little pain Mia, but no harm.” Mia nodded. “Tonight we do what Ilike.”

“Aye,” she said, confident whatever he liked, she’d like. He dropped his hand lower and his fingers skimmed the skin between her legs. His touch was as light as he might make it. First touching her mons, then the valley between there and her thigh. His knuckles brushed softly up the inside of her thigh then down, causing Mia’s skin to prickle up again as his fingertips brushed so lightly over her flanks there was almost no contact. His fingers disappeared for a moment and left Mia waiting, anticipating where he’d touch next andhow.

It didn’t take long before a hand settled on either knee pushed her legs as wide as they could go and his tongue flicked out over her bud. Mia gasped out. She’d thought his fingers but not his mouth would be what she felt. Being unable to see made anticipating anything impossible. His tongue flicked out again, but not once hard enough to do more than make her want more. When she lifted her ass to encourage him, his hands came off her knees and slid beneath her buttocks. Now she couldn’t get it down and he was free to squeeze however hard he wanted which he wasdoing.

His fingers dug in, loosened, then there was some pressure, then more, and more, and then none. She lifted her head to look at him, realizing only after she did she couldn’t see him with the cravat tied over her eyes. Again, his tongue touched her and Mia groaned as he swept it through the folds then into her channel. His hands under her ass continued with their busy work of distracting her at the worst moment until she wanted to scream in frustration at finding no way to cast off or drag anchor to prevent that very thing. Devin raised her a little higher and she knew this time when his tongue entered her she’d explode, only the next lick wasn’t any place she expected and she cried out and tried to squirm back as his tongue circled her bottomhole.

“Steady, Mia,” he said, then when back to licking and probing that unexplored part ofher.

“Devin… I…” Mia stammered and tried to tell herself she needed to stop him. What he wanted wasn’t right. But she couldn’t. It felt good, in a naughty way. Still. “Devin? I don’t know what to do, what youwant.”

“I want you to trust me. I think you’ll like this once it’s started.” He took hold of her ass and pulled her back towards the edge of the bed. “Just enjoy it, Mia. That’s what youdo.”

“Aye,” she said knowing she just consented to something not at all condoned by polite society. Listening again, she heard a scraping first of something against wood then what she thought to be metal on metal. It sounded almost like a tin being opened and given the sudden rush of coconut aroma into the space, she guessed Devin opened something containing the fruit. She inhaled deeply, as the scent was calming in itsstrength.

“Hold for me, Mia,” Devin warned. Before she could wonder what he was about, his finger slipped up inside her ass. She gasped but held as he’d asked and his praise came fast. “Good girl. Now feel,” he told her as his finger slid back then in, back then in, back then in, deeper. The sensation was becoming quite pleasant and when he again set his tongue in her channel, Mia almost came apart. “Ah yes, Mia. Like that.” He shifted away but didn’t go far and Mia knew all she could do was hold her breath until he didsomething.

That something was to place another hard object in her channel. Not either of the two he’d used at the table, this one was more bulbous in shape and it filled her almost as fully as his cock. Then his mouth was on her, sucking hard. All three sensations overwhelmed and Mia cried out as she was rocked by the powerful swell ofpleasure.

Devin didn’t let up. His mouth stayed working at her clit while he continued to stroke her with the object. Some time when she was lost in the mix of pleasure, he’d added another finger to her ass. The stretch was not terrible and soon became enjoyable. Mia rode the wave to another crest only to have it collapse from under her when Devin removed the object from her sex and replaced the fingers in her ass with a hard object. Wider and inflexible, unlike his digits, it stretched her hole rather painfully through severalstrokes.

“That’s the way, Mia,” Devin’s voice drifted over her. “Relax into it. Like when I took your pussy the first time. It only takes a little getting used to.” Mia gripped the sheets and held still. A few more strokes and as Devin said, the stretching eased leaving only a full feeling. “Now,” Devin said and shifted again. “Let’s try this.” Mia felt his cock nudging at the entrance of her core and wondered at his intent. She could feel him holding pressure to the thing in her bottom. “Steady forward,Mia.”

She heard him say the words as he slid inside. He was already a large man who pushed the limits of what she could take, but with the hard object in her ass she felt unable to accommodate him. At least through the first stroke. With the next it became much like a hand in a glove, tight but ever so pleasurable. Not a single contour was left void of contact. Her body fit around him to perfection. He kept his movements slow and deliberate, forcing her to feel every inch of him as he entered and withdrew. Barely a dozen strokes in and already the sensation was building. It seemed nearly impossible she could find release again as she’d nothing to truly focus on. There was so much to feel at the moment. Then his fingers reached in and pinched down on the soft flesh of her inner thigh and that point of pain pushed her beyond the roll of the swell into the crest that eventually crasheddown.

“My little pain pirate,” Devin said, then chuckled as he pulled out of herbody.

“Devin?” Mia called out, not quite ready to be done with allthis.

“Keel over, Mia,” Devin told her and nudged her hip with his hand. “Bow down,” came his nextcommand.

“Captain, have you a mind to sink this ship?” Mia teased as she placed herself as he wanted. She did enjoy this position a greatdeal.

Devin chuckled again. “I intend to do just that.” His hand settled at the small of her back and with some pressure caused her knees to shift outward, lowering her more than he normally would. “I’m going to ram this cannon straight through yourstern.”

By the time Mia registered what he’d told her the object he’d placed inside her ass was gone, replaced by the head of his cock. “Devin?” she cried out, as his hands gripped her hips and pulled her back to meet his forward thrust. She cried out again. First in panic and pain, then once more in surprise as she floundered to find course. Devin gave no reprieve though, as he kept his strokes short and fast until Mia simply let go thehelm.

As before, her body took him in as if it was built to do nothing else. Each stroke he made pushed him deeper so she thought him sure to run aground and tear her apart doing so, but she held and even found the rhythm to meet his every maneuver. It was then he eased, spilled the wind from his sails and again made each thrust more purposeful. His hands slid from her hips back to her flanks, his fingers gripping then releasing the tenderestplaces.

“Can you find it, Mia? One more time,” he asked sounding out of breath and under strain. “Find it, Mia,” he said and squeezed his fingers hard. “Let me have it Mia, stop resisting thecurrent.”

A moan slipped out at his words. She was resisting though she didn’t know why. She wasn’t sure she wanted to enjoy this. But she did, a great deal. Again, she heard him encourage her to come. But was it some test? He’d thought her a whore before, was this a way to prove she was? But then didn’t he also request she be one for him on occasion? Do things other women wouldn’t? Be all things for him? It hardly mattered now, as she couldn’t have prevented the building climax from reaching its pinnacle and swamping her so completely the pleasure was almost toomuch.

Mia screamed out into the bedding the same time Devin cried out above her. They both sounded pained to her and yet the heat and bliss she felt throughout continued to build. Enough so when Devin pressed down on top of her a second wave rolled through her and she shuddered. Devin cried out again then moaned loudly next to herear.

“Steady, Mia,” he said, panting several times before drawing in a long breath. “That was quite the storm to ride out.” He shifted and Mia was left feeling empty, but sated. “I wasn’t sure you’d find that last one, and I did so want you to have it.” His hand settled on the knot that held the blindfold and with a tug it fell away from her eyes. “Are you all right? You did enjoy this, didn’tyou?”

It took her a moment to find the courage to turn her face to his. When she did, she wasn’t sure what to say. His look was both one of concern and sternness. “If I say I did, will you think poorly ofme?”

“Certainly not,” he snapped and pulled away from her a bit. “If you did, I’m well pleased and shall endeavor to do it again and make itbetter.”