“This wasn’t something a normal wife might allow, wasit?”

“Again, I shouldn’t know about all wives, I shouldn’t even know whatnormalis for a wife. You are, after all, the only wife I have everknown.”

Mia couldn’t help it. She snorted and was relieved to see his lips curve up into a smile. “I suppose though it is normal more for awhore.”

“Not without the spending of a good deal of coin,” he said and reached out to brush back her hair. “Mia, if you didn’t like it sayso.”



“You don’t find me strange that I like thesethings?”

“I find you extraordinary that you like this. I find you remarkably rare and care not a bit to have you be anydifferent.”

“Ah, well then I should say I did enjoy all of what was done,” Mia said, rolling againsthim.

“Then we might try again when the winds favor it,” Devin said, moving to getup.

“With rope next time?” Mia teased as she watched him placing some items back into a decorative box which he then carried to his personal chest to stow. He returned to the bed as Mia situated herself in it, then he lay down besideher.

“With rope, if you might like,” he said pulling her close and drawing up the covers. A few minutes more and his soft snores reached herears.

Mia still couldn’t say how rope might be used during sex, but the idea heated her body and she let her hand drift further down his chest, moving lower across his flat belly and down towards his stem. Her hand was closing in when his covered hers. She huffed as he drew hers back up and set it on his chest with a pat. “Go to sleep, pirate,” he said as his snoresresumed.

Go to sleep? How might she do that with her body still humming from his touch and her thoughts on what they might try next? Perhaps in the morning she’d head below to see what ropes where in the carpenter’s stores. Perhaps there were some of flax or cotton, soft enough to not scratch over much. Or perhaps the scratch would be better. Mia fell asleep debating it, but it would be a good long while before she discovered herpreference.

Chapter 17

Mia stepped on deck,squinting at the brightness of the day. A good deal of activity was abounding as the crew tried to dry the ship out after four days of a persistentdownpour.

“Mrs. Winthrop,” Mr. Quigglycalled.

Mia turned to see the old quartermaster heading towardsher.

“Fine goodweather.”

“Aye,” Mia said shyly. She knew everyone on the ship heard her when Devin punished her. But after supper when no one so much as hinted they’d listened to her screaming, she had a little more confidence. That, and Devin told her if she didn’t come up, he’d drag her up. And Hong promised to nag her endlessly. Exiting the cabin was the only way to prevent any of them from furthering her embarrassment, although she rather hoped she might convince Devin to return to theirbed.

The soreness from the night’s activities hadn’t faded, keeping a steady ache for more. Mia felt a smile on her face simply thinking about the naughtiness she’d engaged in. It might have behooved her to speak with the women at the docks and taverns a bit more. She’d never considered a man would put his stem in a woman’s ass and couldn’t have dreamt how wonderful it would feel. And then the phallus. Being filled completely, amazing. Devin could do that to her every night if he so chose. Because as usual what he liked, she did aswell.


She looked up as Devin crossed the deck toward her. She had to look rather hard as he was dressed… Well, he wasn’t dressed. At least not as she’d always seen him when on duty on deck. The pants he wore were roughhewn, cut, and shredded at the knees. And that was all he wore. No shoes or shirt, no fine coat with all the trimmings. He looked almost as dilapidated as some of the topmen did most days. But for the very way he carried himself, Mia might not have known him to be captain at all. Although many a man on ship had broad shoulders and muscles, on Devin they were far more. They were better. She felt the pulse in her sex and her face flushedhot.

“Captain?” Mia queried, as he stepped close and brushed her cheek with the back of hisknuckles.

“You’re flush, are you not feeling well?” he asked, steppingcloser.

“No, I’m well,” Mia said and heard the desire in her voice. His wicked smile said he’d heard it, too. “I think it to be your strange manner of dress today which has me quiteflustered.”

“My dress has you flustered?” His brow shot up then he leaned in close to her ear. “Are you perhaps hoping the only thing I have on comesoff?”

“I could be well satisfied with that,” Mia toldhim.

His laughter rang out and when it stopped he reached back, swatted her ass and told her, “Behave,pirate.”

“Devin,” Mia chided. “Don’t I always when above boards?” He laughed again and shook his head at her. “Why are you not dressed?” Mia asked looking around deck and noticing all the officers were in a similarstate.