He nodded and grabbed a glass, filling it with ice. “Coming right up.”

“Oh, I brought a book your wife ordered. Is she working tonight?” Pippa held up the novel.

He shook his head. “No, tonight’s her night with Jamison at home. But I can give it to her. Do I owe you anything for it?” He accepted the book.

“Nope, she’s all paid up.”

He disappeared to the kitchen they’d added on since the first time she was here. Pippa’s gaze caught on a familiar blue set of eyes by the door. She sucked in a breath. Mason looked away, scanning the rest of the room, on guard. His rebuff shouldn’t hurt so much, but it did. Why was he so cold to her?

Maybe he resents me for disrupting his afternoon with Aspen and making him babysit my grown ass.

Finn returned with her drink and food. She dug in, draining her drink in no time. She ordered a second. She was out for the first time in a long time. She wasn’t going to let that lumberjack of a man ruin her evening.

A burst of cologne wrapped around her. Whoever her new neighbor was, he smelled good.

“Eating alone?” A deep voice pulled her attention to her right.

Dark eyes stared back at her. A friendly smile turned up the corner of Pippa’s mouth. “Not if you count my dog, Lady.”

His eyes darted to her golden retriever, lying on the floor beside her. “She’s beautiful.”

“I think so too.”

He reached out his olive-toned hand as if to shake hers. “I’m Ricardo Emerson, but everyone calls me Ricky.”

She slipped her hand into his, but he pulled it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles.

“Very smooth move.”

He grinned playfully. “You like it enough to give me your name?”

She chuckled. “Pippa.”

“Well, Pippa, seeing how I’m here alone, and you’re sitting by your lonesome, you feel like sharing a drink with me?”

She smiled. “Are you buying?”

“Of course.”

“Then I’d say, absolutely.”

Two hours later, Pippa clutched her stomach. It ached from laughing so hard. Ricky was hilarious. She’d learned he was a beekeeper along with his brother, Roman. He was one of four children and loved dogs. But what had her laughing so hard were the stories of his exes. He was a flirt, there was no doubt about it, but she could see them becoming good friends.

“Should we dance? Work off some of these piña coladas?” Ricky asked, after draining his last glass. He’d opted to have what she was drinking, even though it didn’t contain any alcohol. It was a sweet gesture.

Pippa’s eyes darted to the dance floor, anxiously. “I’m not actually that great of a dancer.”

He held out his hand as he got to his feet. “Me either. Let’s look horrible out there together.”

She giggled and slipped her palm into his. “Care if we make this a threesome?” She pulled Lady’s leash.

He smirked and led her to the corner near the edge of the room. “Just what every man wants to hear.”

She laughed again and placed one hand around his neck. This was nice—enjoyable even. The lights flashed and she resisted the urge to glance at the door. Ricky was everything she needed to forget about her day. Still, she didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. “I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you for hanging out with me—as a friend.”

“It was my pleasure.” He spun her around and back, guiding her through the steps of the dance.

After a few moments, she laughed. “You liar.”