“I don’t know what you mean,” he said coyly.

“You can too dance.”

His smile widened, his eyes glittering with humor. “I may have undersold my abilities. But it got you out here, didn’t it?”

She smiled and they danced another two songs before she yawned. “I think I should head home. It’s getting late.”

“Did you drive?” Ricky asked.

She shook her head. “I’ll call a cab.”

“I can give you a lift if you want?” Ricky offered.

She tugged her bottom lip into her mouth. “You don’t mind?”

“Not at all.”

She hesitated.

“If you need someone to vouch for my integrity, you can ask Finn,” he offered.

She trusted her intuition when it came to men. Nothing about Ricky screamed danger. “I’d love a ride.”

“Great. Let me run to the bathroom, and I’ll meet you out front.” He disappeared towards the restrooms and Pippa led Lady outside. She breathed in a burst of fresh air and jumped as a dark shadow moved out of the corner of her eye.

“Oh!” Pippa’s hand flew to her chest.

Lady barked once.

Mason moved into the lights mounted on the side of the building. His scowl seemed more menacing in the shadow of night. “I hope you aren’t planning to drive after all those drinks.”

She tried to get her thudding heartbeat under control. He’d been watching her? He’d counted her drinks, but would barely say two words to her except to accuse her of being irresponsible?

Anger flared within her. “I can’t drive, and I can’t drink alcohol. I have epilepsy, remember? Those were virgin coladas—not that it’s any of your business.”

His gaze dropped to the road and then flicked back to her. “It is my business to make sure drunk drivers don’t get into cars and drive off and kill people.” His voice was harsh, making her flinch. Some of the wind was let out of her sails. Well, damn. It was his job, wasn’t it?

“I’m sorry. You’re right.” She took a few steps towards the parking lot.

“Are you walking home?” His voiced tipped almost as if he were concerned.

She turned towards him. “No, Ricky is going to drive me. He also had virgin coladas, if you need to know.”

Mason’s jaw flexed, his sapphire eyes cooling before he left her without another word and disappeared into the bar.

“Okay, then. Nice to see you too,” Pippa said aloud, sarcasm dripping in every syllable.

Another minute later, Ricky appeared, ushering her to his truck. “Ready to go?”


“You sure it’s okay if I give you a ride? Don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.” Ricky chuckled.

Pippa turned to him. “Whose toes would you be stepping on?”

“Mason seemed pretty upset you were leaving with me.” His eyes lit with amusement as the corner of his mouth turned up.

Pippa rolled her eyes. “I don’t know what his problem is. I literally met the man twice. Is he always that . . .” Gruff? Cold? Unstable?

“Protective?” Ricky supplied.

Mason was protective of her? She snorted in disbelief.

“He likes you.” Ricky opened the passenger door for her.

She climbed in. “Could have fooled me,” she mumbled. Lady hopped up and settled by her feet. There was just enough room.

If a man liked her, he’d need to actually show that. She wasn’t subscribing to the toxic masculinity bullshit that said if a boy liked you, he picked on you or ignored you. Nope. That was crazy.

There was no way Mason Wright liked her. And even if he did, if that was how he showed it, she didn’t want any part of his affections.