Trees swayed in the breeze. White puffy clouds drifted by in the ever-darkening sky. Insects buzzed and a hot breeze blew over Pippa’s sweat-slicked skin. Lady panted, her hot body pressing against Pippa’s chest. Where am I?
“Down.” Pippa pointed to the spot next to her, grass tickling her arm.
Lady obeyed, sniffing her and checking Pippa over before licking her cheek.
“Good girl.” Pippa sat up slowly, sucking in a pained breath. Had she pulled a muscle? Everything ached.
Lady whimpered near her like she knew just how sore her mama was. Pippa reached out and petted her as she tried to get her bearings. Grass and woods were beyond her. She carefully turned her stiff neck. The back of the bookstore was behind her.
How did I get here? Maybe she had taken Lady out to do her business? The last thing she remembered was forcing down a few bites of dinner. Had she locked the bookstore? Troy must have.
Pippa rolled onto all fours, slowly making her way to stand. Another breeze blew, making goose bumps rise on her thighs. Why was she wet? Oh. At least no one was here to witness me peeing on myself this time. That must have been a big seizure.
Pippa hobbled to the street and up the flight of stairs, her muscles screaming in exhaustion. There were aches and pains in so many places. Her head swam. Her seizures were coming so frequently lately. Is the tumor back? I need to make an appointment with the doctor.
She unlocked her door before relocking it behind her. She got Lady a big bowl of fresh water; there was no telling how long she’d been out there. Lady eagerly lapped as Pippa entered the bathroom. She was too fatigued to risk taking a shower. The last thing she needed was to pass out and hit her head. It was too dangerous.
She stripped and put her clothing in the washer before using a wet wipe to clean herself up as best as possible. She made her way to her bedroom and slipped on an oversized T-shirt and sleep shorts. The air conditioner sent a chill over her damp skin. She picked up her phone, finding Brynn’s number as she sat in her bed and pulled the covers up.
“Hey, it’s Pippa. Are you working at the diner tomorrow morning?”
“Just for a few hours to cover for Betty-Lou. I’ll be done by nine. Did you need me at the store?” Brynn asked.
“I wondered if you would mind covering my shift and opening the bookstore?”
“I can do that. Is everything okay?”
Pippa closed her eyes. “Yeah. I’m just not feeling that well. I always get clusters of seizures around my cycle. I just don’t think I can make it in tomorrow.” It’s not usually this bad though.
“No problem. I’ll be in. Oh, Troy just walked into the diner. Should I get the key from him?” Brynn asked.
“Yes, that would be perfect.”
“I’ll come by and check on you tomorrow, bring you a bowl of soup or something,” Brynn offered.
Tears pricked Pippa’s eyes. She’d fought for her independence, saving every penny until she could afford her twenty-thousand-dollar service dog, waiting years for Lady in the hope that she could live on her own. Then, she’d turned around and done it again to save for the down payment on her shop. She’d even taken out a loan to buy this place. She’d wanted to give her family a break from the burden of her seizures. As much as she tried to not need anyone, it was nice to know there were people who cared about her. “I appreciate it.”
“You get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Brynn.” Pippa ended the call, setting the phone on her side table, too tired to even look at the screen. She snuggled against the pillow as Lady jumped on the bed, settling by her. Pippa wrapped her arm around Lady and fell fast asleep.
Knock. Knock.
Lady sat up and barked. Pippa stirred, running her hand over Lady’s fur.
The knocking repeated and so did Lady’s woofs.
Who? Oh, Brynn must be here.
Pippa sat, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. What time was it? She picked up her phone. Dead. How did I forget to charge it? Figured. The clock on the side table read eleven thirty. Whoa, we really slept in.
“Poor girl. You probably need to go to the bathroom.”
Lady barked and jumped off the bed, waiting by the door.