Pippa followed her, opening the door as the scent of crisp rain washed over her.

“Mason?” Swirling blue eyes locked with hers. Dark bruises had formed under each of his eyes. His beard needed a trim, and his hair was ruffled like he’d been running his hands through it.

Lady whimpered.

Pippa tore her eyes away from the man who had stolen her heart only to smash it to pieces.

“Does she need to go out?” he asked.

Pippa nodded. “Yeah.”

“We’ll be right back. Come on, girl.”

Lady darted down the steps as Mason slowly followed. She was in too much shock to argue.

Mason was here? Pippa touched her cheek and then her hair. Oh, God. I must look a mess. She ran back in the house to the bathroom, wincing with her movements. Her hair stuck out oddly. She grabbed a brush and ran it through it, pulling a leaf from her short locks. Dios mio. I look a mess. Quickly, she twisted her hair up into a messy bun. Next, she splashed some cold water on her face.

“Pippa?” Mason’s voice made her chest cinch tight. Why is he here? To tell me to stay away from Aspen?

“I’ll be right there.” Her voice trembled. She dried her face, taking one last deep breath before she walked into the fray.

Mason stood by her door, his hands in his pockets. Lady was busy lapping up water from her bowl.

Pippa crossed her arms, keeping her distance from the man she loved but could never have. “Why are you here?”

Mason nervously ran his hand through his hair, causing it to stand up even worse than before. “I wanted to apologize.”

She searched his face. Of all the things she’d expected from him, that wasn’t one of them.

“The way I reacted . . . I was scared for Aspen . . . and that came out as anger towards you. I’m sorry for what I said and how I’ve treated you.”

She swallowed and nodded. Love and loss, hope and grief swirled in her chest. “I’m sorry too. I should have told you. I believed her when she . . . It doesn’t matter. I apologize as well.”

“I’ve missed you.” He stepped closer, his hands resting at his sides.

Pippa’s focus darted from him to the ground. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

He walked closer until he was in her space. His finger reached out and lifted her chin so that she had to look at him. His brows creased, his eyes darting back and forth between hers. She shivered. He was so close. All those feelings she’d tried to rid herself of this past month spun her up, twisting and pulling chaos from the wreckage of her heart.

“Tell me you feel this too,” he said.

She nodded. There was no use lying. Just because they shared this connection didn’t mean they got a happily ever after.

His hand cupped the side of her face. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. It was impossible to resist the temptation. She greedily accepted the peace and comfort connection with him offered.

“I fucked up, and I honestly don’t know what I have to offer you. But staying away from you feels wrong . . .”

Pippa met his gaze. What was he saying? She couldn’t go through this again. This would never work. “You had no problem ghosting me again.”

He flinched, his shoulders sagging. “What I feel for you I’ve never felt for another woman, and it terrifies me.” Mason’s voice was rough and raw.

“Don’t.” She shook her head.

“Don’t what? Don’t love you? Too late. Somehow you made this heart surrounded by thorns beat again, just for you.”

Tears leaked from her eyes, but he swiped them before they could fall down her cheeks.

“I love you, Pippa . . . damn, I don’t even know your last name. It doesn’t matter. I love you. And I want to make this right. Tell me what to do, Beauty.”