“I guess I’ll head home then, since there’s nothing for me to do here.” He raked a hand through his messy hair, his shoulders slumped.

There was that niggling feeling of disappointment again.

He took one step forward and leaned in, invading her space. Bently smelled like coffee and oak. Woodsy. Manly. The energy between them crackled as she stood frozen in place. His gaze locked on to hers as he glanced at her lips. Her brain was screaming at her to do something, move away, tell him off, but her body wasn’t budging—too caught up on fumes of lust and intoxication of some sort of magic pheromones.

“Have a good night, darlin’.” He turned away and walked towards the exit.

Her heart thundered in her chest as anger burned her veins. How could she have been so weak? He’d come close to kissing her! Fuck!

“Don’t call me darlin’!” she snapped, trying to regain some semblance of control of herself and the situation. What was this man doing to her?


Brynn was admitted for the night. Belle got her settled with her son in a room before finally clocking off. She was dead on her feet, drained from the long shift, her last patient, and her run-in with Sheriff Hotness.

“Ugh,” she grumbled, opening her locker. Thank god she had the next two days off. It would give her time to relax before she came in and did it all over again.

“You heading out?” Katy peered her head inside.


“You up for a self-defense class with me tomorrow? It’s free,” Katy asked in a singsong voice.

“Self-defense?” Brynn’s battered face popped into her mind immediately. It was time Belle made her own safety a priority. “When is it?”

“Tomorrow at seven.”

“I’ll be there. Send me the address,” Belle agreed. It might feel good to sweat and punch things for a little while. Not to mention hone the skills for survival as a woman.

Maybe then she’d be able to fight off these urges a little better.

Chapter 4


A gust of warm wind blew against Belle’s skin as she adjusted her sports bra and grabbed her water bottle from her front console.

“You ready to kick some ass?” Katy asked from across the parking lot.

Belle glanced up and shut her door. “Sure am.”

She walked beside her friend towards Tidal Gym. “Have you ever taken a self-defense class before?” Katy asked.

Belle shook her head.

“Well, this one will be fun and educational.” Katy opened the door for her.

Belle entered the brightly lit, large room. Various workout equipment lined the edges of the space. A full-size boxing ring was staged off to the far corner where two women sparred in head gear and taped hands.

“Kickboxing. I’ve always wanted to learn.” Katy pointed. “The lockers are through there if you ever need them. There’s a room across from them for private classes. That’s where we’re going.”

Excitement and nervousness weaved a tangled web in Belle’s belly. This was something new for her to conquer, a challenge and a goal she’d set for herself long ago. But life had always seemed to get in the way.

She walked into the room as a gaggle of other ladies all turned towards her entrance. Disappointment flitted across their faces before they swiveled back to each other, resuming their conversations. Sorry to rain on your parade.

Katy dropped her water bottle near the edge and Belle followed suit. Her reflection stared back at her in the mirrored walls. A few pieces of bright red equipment lay stacked neatly in the corner.

“How often do you come to these?” Belle asked.