“As often as I can. The Shattered Cove police department puts them on for free for women in cycles of six weeks. They also run a separate class for kids to deal with bullying and trouble at home.” Katy leaned against one of the mirrors with her arms crossed.

“Wow. That’s a really great resource.” It was sure to change lives. How much better would her childhood have been if she’d had a place like this to go to for help?

“Yeah, the instructors are volunteer-based and the department does fundraising during the year to pay to rent this space,” Katy continued.

“I’ve never heard of a town doing this—at least not this often.”

“I don’t think there is one. Luckily for us, the topic of women and children’s safety is a priority for our sheriff.” Katy smiled.

Bently had organized this?

“Well, hello, ladies.” The deep voice confirmed her thoughts. She cut Katy a pointed look. Her friend just winked at her.

A chorus of “hellos” answered him back as several women crowded his space. One woman touched his arm as she spoke. Bently stepped out of her reach as another woman all but shoved her boobs in his face. Belle shook her head as her stomach flipped uneasily. Bently smiled and nodded politely to the group as he made his way into the room. Another lady followed him inside, her dark hair pulled back into a tight bun.

“Ladies, you remember Deputy Vargas. She’s going to be helping me today,” Bently said, scanning the room.

Belle stood tall. She was here because she wanted to learn. She wasn’t going to let some playboy sheriff take that from her. His eyes met hers before a smile broke out on his perfectly chiseled face. She hated how her breath faltered.

She gave him her best disinterested expression while holding his stare, willing her eyes not to scan over his muscle shirt to ogle those perfectly toned arms.

“Alright, everyone, let’s form a wide circle,” Bently said as he and Vargas walked to the center.

“How many of you have taken a self-defense class before?” Vargas asked. Several of the women raised their hands.

“Okay, what we’re going to do is run through a few scenarios that could happen, and show you how you can best protect yourself,” Bently said, turning around. Belle’s eyes slid down, swallowing hard at the view of his firm backside.

“Could bounce a quarter off that ass,” Katy whispered in her ear.

Belle couldn’t argue. The woman spoke the truth.

“Who wants to be the first volunteer?” Bently asked.

Every woman’s hand in the group went up except Belle’s. Vargas shook her head.

Bently chuckled. “Glad to see so much enthusiasm.”

His eyes locked on hers again. A tingle of fear swept through her. She just needed to put everything else out of her mind, ignore the way he sent a hurricane of different emotions swirling inside her, and focus on the task at hand.

“Katy,” Bently called.

Belle sighed with relief as her friend walked over and stood next to Bently. “Let’s say you’re walking down the street and some guy grabs you like this.” He placed his hand over Katy’s forearm.

“To get out of his hold, you’ll want to put your own hand over his knuckles, like this.” He moved Katy’s free hand over his. “Then you’ll need to swing your arm around to grab his wrist.”

Katy did as he said.

“Now push down,” Bently directed.

Katy shifted. Bently fell to his knees with his arm held back at an odd angle. “Very good.”

She smiled as she let him go and then took a small bow.

“Now, you all break up into teams of two and try it yourself,” Vargas instructed.

Katy returned to Belle’s side and grabbed her wrist. Belle moved through the steps and had her friend on her knees quick enough. She’d had to be a fast learner in order to survive.

Bently and Vargas walked around the circle, guiding the women through the moves.