“Don’t mind our rude friend—he’s just cranky because he hasn’t gotten laid in a loooong time,” Bently joked as Andre turned around to face them.

Mia’s eyes darted from Andre to the dance floor, her cheeks glowing with a slight blush. “That’s okay. How about a dance?” she asked Bently.

He hooked his arm around her waist and led her towards the other couples. Mikel was talking to Andre while his best friend glared daggers at him.

He spun Mia and nodded to Mikel who got up and winked on his way out. She felt good against him, but as beautiful as she was, she didn’t make him want to throw caution to the wind and . . . and what? Break his rule for one night that was sure to be amazing, just to get her out of his system, and then? It wasn’t like he could do more than one night with Belle anyways. Maybe he needed to make that clear to her. She may not like him very much, but the way her body reacted to his told him she was attracted to him too.

“How are you enjoying Shattered Cove so far?” he asked Mia. He could ask Belle for a brief encounter—a short and dangerous hookup.

“It’s nice. And small.” She smiled.

“It sure is.”

She chuckled before resting her head on Bently’s shoulder as they moved to the slow music. Bently slid his hand down her waist to the small of her back, knowing full well it would drive his friend crazy. The man was too stubborn for his own good. Anyone with two eyes could see these two had a thing for each other. If Andre wasn’t going to man up, it was Bently’s duty as his best friend to push him into the deep end.

A rough tap on his shoulder brought a smile to his face.

“Mind if I cut in?” Andre said brusquely.

“About damn time.”

Mia looked between the two men.

“I gotta get going anyways. You’ll make sure she gets home safe?” Bently asked.

“Of course.” Andre wrapped his arms around Mia as they started to dance.

At least he could still do something right. Now, he needed to man up and ask Belle if she’d be interested in fucking this out of their systems for one night only. The sooner he had her, the sooner he could move on with his life and get out of this funk.

Chapter 6


A knock sounded at Bently’s closed office door.

“Come in.” He shuffled the papers on his desk into a neat pile as Officer Luke Parsons walked in.

The older man nodded and pulled out a seat for himself across from Bently. “Good afternoon, Sheriff. Man, after all these years, it still seems weird that the same newbie I trained is now my boss.” Parsons tapped his fingers on Bently’s ancient wood desk.

“Tell me about it.” Bently smiled.

“I heard your truck got done in last week.”

Bently sighed. “Yeah, probably kids. What can I do for you today?”

Parsons sighed and leaned back in the metal chair. “I had a run-in with a group of kids spray-painting those abandoned buildings on Kent Street.”

Bently nodded. “Did you catch ’em?”

“I may be old, but I’m still light on my feet.” Parsons chuckled.

More like your partner is. Bently eyed the man’s bulging belly.

“We caught two of them.”

“You got them fingerprinted and booked?”

Parsons sat a little straighter. “One kid was Mary Braxton’s boy. I gave him a warning and brought the other one in for booking.”