Bently’s brows furrowed. “Why not give both of them a warning, or book the lot of them?”

“It was just kids being kids. Abandoned building and all, I didn’t think there was much harm done. Scared the shit out of them when we blared the sirens.”

“So why arrest just the one, then?”

“I just had a feeling that this one was trouble. Maybe you want to consider him for that mugging involving Andre Stone. Fits the description he gave us.” Parsons set a file on his desk. Just one more in the seemingly endless pile of paperwork.

“Why didn’t you bring this to Deputy Vargas?” Bently asked.

Parsons rolled his eyes—something no one else in the small department would dare do. But the man was old enough to be Bently’s father, and taking orders from a man young enough to be your son was hard on most people. “The princess was not in her office. Probably getting her nails done. Besides, she tends to be lenient with these types of cases.”

“Vargas is a damn fine officer—that’s why she’s my deputy,” Bently said, hating that he had to say anything at all. Sure, ribbing was normal on the job, but it still didn’t sit right with Bently.

Parsons held out his hands as he laughed. “No offense, snowflake. Didn’t realize it was that time of the month for you. I just wanted to make sure this crime was solved. Excuse me for trying to do my job.”

Bently raked a hand over his face and stood. “Alright. I’ll call Dre in to see if it’s the same kid who mugged him.”

Parsons grunted as he got to his feet, seeming to take extra effort.

Bently should really talk to him about retirement, but a small-town sheriff had to take what he could get for help.

“Alright, I’ll have Owens put the kid in holding until you have your friend make an ID.”

After Parsons left, Bently picked up his phone and dialed his best friend.

“Hey, man. What’s up?”

“Dre, can you come down to the station? Just need you to look at a picture and confirm if someone we got into custody is your mugger’s accomplice.”

“Be there in ten.”


Bently opened the door, finding Betsy his secretary blowing her nose into her handkerchief. Her platinum-gold curls were never out of place, though she was nearing seventy. She touched the same strand of pearls around her neck she wore every single day as she smiled up at him. “Mister Evans, do you need something?”

“How about you order us both some lunch from the High Tide Diner. It’s on me.” He handed over his credit card.

“You want your usual?”

He nodded. “Yeah, but have them add a chocolate milkshake this time too.” He gave her a wink.

“Absolutely.” She opened a drawer and pulled out a tan purse before heading out the door.

The office was silent. Bently walked back to his desk, not bothering to close his door, and pulled open the folder. A picture of a young boy who couldn’t be more than thirteen stared back at him. He shook his head. So young and already in the system thanks to a bad decision and Officer Parsons’s gut feeling.

A few minutes later, Andre’s voice called out. “Bent?”

“In here.”

Dre peeked his head inside before walking in. His dark skin was spotted with a mixture of sawdust and white flecks of plaster.

“Came from the worksite?”

Dre nodded. “Yeah. Your brother is driving me nuts, so I could use the break.”

Bently chuckled and gestured to the metal chair across from him. Andre sat and scooted forward, his elbows rested on the worn wooden desk. Bently pushed the array of images towards Andre, studying his reaction.

Andre shook his head. “Not him.”