She had a feeling, a knowing deep within her soul, that Mikel’s problem was much bigger than he was letting on, and a whole lot more than she wanted to admit. But what could she do? He was finally letting her see this other side to him she hadn’t known existed. She couldn’t base her decisions off of fear. Telling someone else would break his trust.

Remy let out a deep breath. She needed to stand by his side and give him the love and support that no one else could. The same as he’d done for her. They’d figure this out together.

With a new plan, and a clearer mind, she washed her hands and stepped out of the bathroom. Mikel stood by the door, arguing with an older man with black-and-white-peppered hair. His only menacing feature was the scar that ran down the side of his face. Goose bumps prickled across her skin as a warning resounded within, embedding itself into her every fiber. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end.

Mikel handed the old man a wad of cash he’d pulled from his wallet. She couldn’t see how much, but the bills were hundreds. The man tucked the cash into his own pocket before he grabbed Mikel roughly by the shoulder, speaking into his ear.

Remy pulled her cell phone out of her back pocket. She clutched it, ready to call someone for help if this got ugly. Her body tensed, adrenaline pulsing in her veins, ready and alert. She was confused and unsure, wishing she and Mikel could just run out those doors and never return.

She walked up to them on shaky legs, hoping her presence would halt the threat. If he asked her to run again, she didn’t think she could do it.

Mikel spoke as she approached. “I will. Next week.”

The man backed up, turning to her. His cold, dead eyes locked on hers as a sinister smile spread across his face. “I’ll hold you to it. And who do we have here?” the man asked.

Mikel grabbed her hand, his jaw clenching before he spoke. “We’re just on our way out.”

“It’s like that, is it? You know I like to get to know the people who work for me, and the special people in their lives. I’m Joe Canoby.”

Remy held her breath. Mikel squeezed her trembling hand, offering her some comfort. Confusion swirled. Mikel didn’t work for anyone. He was a business partner to her brother with their own company, Seaview Construction. “You’re a client of Mikel’s?” she asked.

Joe laughed again, slapping his leg. This time he ended in a fit of coughs. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lighting one up and taking a few drags before blowing smoke in their faces.

“No, doll. Is that what he told you?”

“Come on, Remy. Let’s go.” Mikel pulled her arm towards the door.

She didn’t resist. She followed him outside. When they had entered Isaiah’s, she’d been feeling like she was finally getting through to Mikel, making progress, breaking down the walls that surrounded his wounded, fragile heart and knowing him more deeply. Yet somehow as they left, it was like she didn’t know the man next to her at all. This Mikel was a stranger.

She put one shaky leg in front of the other as she climbed into the truck. He shut the door behind her and went over to his side before starting the engine.

“Remy, look—”

“Stop,” she said, shaking her head. “I just want to go home.” Back where I know I’m safe. Where she knew a truth from a lie, up from down, and everything could be neatly organized into categories.

He slammed the steering wheel with his hand, making her jump as he yelled, “Fuck!” He whipped the car into reverse and sped down the road. She focused on the passing trees out her window. They were blurring fast.

It wasn’t until hot tears streamed down her face that she realized she was crying.