She smiled. He was letting her into his world, granting her access to a hidden part of him. There was no way she could turn him down. “Sure.”

They entered the house. Remy was surprised at the small crowd of people all seemingly relaxed and happy. Normal. A few lines of white powder were being cut on a glass table by the couch. Several others were dancing to the music that thumped from the sound system. She recognized one of the faces from her high school, and a few others she’d seen around town. Nothing could have prepared her for this. But her parents had always taught her to try and see the good in people, to give them the benefit of the doubt. She didn’t know their stories, or what led them here.

“You okay?” Mikel asked, squeezing his arm tighter around her waist.

She nodded, at a loss for words.

A man with red hair approached them. He had black circles under his glassy eyes and a bong in one of his hands. “My man.” He reached out to greet Mikel.

“Isaiah, this is my girlfriend, Remy.” Mikel introduced them.

Girlfriend.Hearing him say it never got old. She did a happy dance internally. A new sense of belonging washed over her, and she smiled and waved. “Hi.”

Isaiah looked her up and down, making her a bit uncomfortable.

“You want a hit? First one’s on the house,” Isaiah said, offering her the glass instrument.

Mikel answered for her, “Nah, man. She’s a good girl.”

Isaiah’s gaze turned to scrutiny before he spoke to Mikel. “I’d offer you one, but I know what you like. Joe’s coming by soon.”

Anxiety twisted around her, fear slithering up her spine.

Mikel tensed for a moment before he said, “Saves me a trip to go find him.”

“Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in,” a female voice purred.

Remy turned as the blond woman approached. The same woman from the bar that first night we kissed.

She raked her eyes over Mikel as jealousy flared within Remy, hot green flames searing her insides. Remy waited to see how Mikel would react.

“June. Been a while. I don’t think you’ve met my girlfriend, Remy,” he said.

June turned her attention back to her, scowling. She looked Remy up and down, as if measuring her on a scale and finding her wanting. “I was wondering what kept you away. I have to say, I’m surprised she’s held your attention that long,” June said, looking back to Mikel.

Remy’s stomach churned. Vomit rose in her throat as acid burned her stomach. Mikel has been with her?

“Stop being a bitch, June,” Isaiah said, still not taking his hungry gaze off Remy.

Mikel pulled out his wallet and removed some cash. He handed it to June. “Here. Why don’t you go get me the only thing I need from you and don’t say another word here about my girl, or we’re gonna have some problems.”

June snatched the cash, acting as if she was hurt by his words. She pouted. “You sure you don’t wanna come with me for old time’s sake?”

“Just go get what the man asked for,” Isaiah said.

June cut him a look and then disappeared up the stairs.

“Sorry about that, man. A woman scorned, you know how it goes,” Isaiah said.

“Don’t worry about it,” Mikel said, tightening his grip on Remy.

Suddenly his arm felt heavier around her. It was getting harder to breathe. She needed a moment to herself, and some air. “Do you have a bathroom I could use?” she asked.

Isaiah pointed towards a door. She walked out from Mikel’s grasp towards the restroom before shutting herself inside.

She glanced at herself in the mirror. Her dry eyes quickly turned glassy as tears burned, threatening to slip out. Remy took some deep cleansing inhales.

It was no secret Mikel had been around the block. She just hadn’t expected to meet any of his earlier conquests, or have their relations thrown in her face. Reality hit, spinning her in a web of uncertainty and worry. She had never dealt with something of this magnitude. It was like Mikel was living two different lives.