Alternative rock blasted through the speakers while they waited. Remy searched the crowd for any faces she might know. Too bad Emma wasn’t playing tonight. Her best friend was states away, touring with her band.

“Which one would you like? They’re both the same,” Mikel asked.

She turned to the two colas he held out to her. The nervous butterflies calmed with the knowledge they would both be sans alcohol tonight. She smiled and reached her fingers around one glass, sipping the cool bubbly liquid.

“Dre just texted me and said he was here too. He’s got a table in the corner.” Mikel led her through the jostling crowd as she tried not to spill her drink. They made it to the only open chair by Andre. Setting their drinks on the small circular table, Mikel sat and pulled Remy into his lap.

“Hey,” Dre said.

“Hey yourself. Where’s Tiffany?” Mikel asked as Remy took a sip of her soda.

Dre shook his head slightly, staring at his drink. “Pregnant.”

Soda bubbles burned her nose as Remy choked on her drink. “What?”

“Congratulations?” Mikel said it more like a question.

“It’s not mine,” Andre said, deadpan.

Mikel and Remy gasped in unison.

“All those business trips came with the added bonus of seeing her man on the side, apparently,” Dre continued.

“I’m sorry, Dre. I don’t know what to say.” Mikel sighed.

Remy reached her hand out over her brother’s. The reason why he had chosen Tiffany, out of all the women in the world, was beyond her. Now that bitch had gone and broken her brother’s heart. Andre was the most loyal, caring partner she’d ever seen. “You deserve someone better. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but there’s a woman out there who will be willing to give where Tiffany only took from you.”

“Nah, I’m done with women—at least for a while. I’m gonna go home and find the bottom of a bottle, and get this all out of my system,” Andre gritted out.

“Take a few days off. I got you covered,” Mikel offered.

“Thanks, man.” Dre stood, slightly off balance.

“You okay to drive?” Remy asked.

“Nah. Ordered a Lyft.”

Remy slid off Mikel’s lap and wrapped her arms around her big brother.

Andre patted her back and released her before saying, “Stay out of trouble, you two.”

“Won’t do anything you wouldn’t do.” Mikel chuckled.

“Better not do that either.” Dre smirked and disappeared through the crowd.

“You should text Bently and let him know that Dre may need a friend tonight. I know my brother, and he’s gonna pull away for a while. He needs someone who’s willing to just sit with him.”

Mikel nodded and pulled out his phone. “Wanna dance?” Mikel asked when he was finished, grabbing her hand and pulling her close.

“Absolutely. Let me run to the bathroom really quick.”

Mikel glanced at the line in front of the ladies’ room. “I doubt that’s gonna be quick.”

“I’m worth the wait.” She smiled and kissed him, nipping his bottom lip playfully.

He growled, barely audible over the music. “You certainly are.”

She walked to the back of the line, smiling so big it almost hurt. How much had they overcome? Here they were, years later, two people who’d been through hell and come out stronger. Together they would be unbreakable.