“I gotta say, this is a first for me, but I can see why women love it so much,” Mikel said, shooting her a smile.

He’d arranged for them all to get pedicures, and then she and Lyra were going to get manicures as well.

“We have many male clients come in. Sometimes even couples for dates, and we provide wine or beer,” one of the women said.

“What do you think, baby? Should we make it a date next time?” Mikel asked.

“Sounds good to me.” She’d take any chance to be pampered like this.

“My daddy is the best daddy in the whole universe,” Lyra said.

“I bet he is,” the woman working on Lyra’s feet answered.

“He had to go away for a long time because he was sick, but now he’s better,” Lyra rambled on.

Remy winced and glanced at Mikel. The same regret and pain she felt was reflected on his expression.

“Now he’s going to stay forever. Right, Daddy?”

Mikel nodded. “Sure am, princess.”

* * *

Later that night, Remy held Mikel’s hand as he guided her through the doors to The Shipwreck. A tall burly man was stationed outside. Remy recognized him as the quiet ex-Navy SEAL who sometimes came in for her lavender cupcakes.

“Hi, Mason,” she said.

Mason nodded and half his mouth turned up in a smile. The other half of his face was badly scarred. As big and tough as this man looked, he always chose the most delicate concoctions from the bakery.

“Hello, Remy. Nice to see you out and about.”

Mikel’s grip tightened on her hand.

“Mason, this is my boyfriend, Mikel.”

The men eyed each other warily before Mason stuck out his palm to shake Mikel’s.

“Nice to meet you.”

A line was beginning to form behind them.

“You too. It’s gonna be busy in there tonight—band’s playing,” Mason said.

“Thanks for the heads-up.” Remy smiled as she led Mikel inside. She tugged the bright blue fabric of her dress lower on her legs. It was much shorter than she was used to, but tonight she had a reason to wear it. She wanted to look and feel good as she danced with Mikel. Memories of the night he’d rescued her on this very dance floor came crashing back.

“This place hasn’t changed one bit,” Mikel said.

“Why fix what isn’t broken?” she yelled over the crowd.

“Let’s get a drink at the bar. Is that Charli? She still works here?” he asked.

Remy nodded before he led her to the wooden slab of the bar. A nervous knot formed in her belly, a nagging feeling that continued to grow. As far as she knew, Mikel hadn’t had a drop of alcohol since he’d come back. Did he drink anymore? Would she be comfortable with him having a drink? Alcohol hadn’t been as much of a problem for him as the harder drugs.

“You want a drink?” he asked.

“Pepsi, please.”

Remy stood closely by him as the room began to fill. The band started playing, their music drowning out most of the conversation Mikel yelled to Charli.