“You okay?” Creeper asked as we sat in the music room. I’d slunk off to play the flute to relax for a while, and he’d joined me, playing the piano until I’d set my flute down. Now we sat side by side on the bench, our shoulders touching softly.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“You don’t seem okay,” he said with a small smirk, and I rolled my eyes. There was no hiding anything from my men now.

“It’s just, everything is okay now. The demon drama is under control, I get to see my parents whenever I want, I’m allowed a normal life…”

“And it feels wrong.” Creeper nodded knowingly.

“That’s stupid, right?” I scoffed, and he nodded.

“You’re so used to drama and things being so hectic, so… life and death-themed. Now that it’s settled, you don’t know what to do with yourself,” he said slowly.

“Listen to you, Mr. Therapist here, all wise and knowing,” I chuckled, and a smile broke out across his face as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “I guess it makes sense. I’m so used to everything not being easy, that it now seems alien.”

“And it’s okay.” His sweet affirmation did alleviate the unease in me a little as I leaned into his side.

“We just have to get used to this new way of life I guess,” I murmured. “I just don’t know what to do now. I never really thought I had a proper future. First, I thought I was crazy, then I learned what I was, found out I was meant to become a hunter, then my life turned into something even bigger…” I let out a sigh, my own life overwhelming me as I closed my eyes.

“It’s all going to be okay, I’m here,” Creeper said gently as he turned his body so I could nestle into his chest.

The tension eased from my shoulders as I focused on the steady beat of his heart and his gentle breathing. I just had to take it one day at a time. My grand purpose had been fulfilled. Now I was free, free to live a life I chose.

And it unsettled me. I had no idea what I wanted in life or what I wanted to do or be.

“What do you want to do?” I asked quietly.

Creeper’s fingers worked my ponytail free, and he started trailing them through my hair to relax me.

“I think I’d like to see more of the world with you. Jack and I have saved a lot, and I’m sure the High Council would help fund things for us demonics,” he said, and I reached into his mind, seeing all the places he’d visited while hunting with Gabriel and Jack. Places he wanted to properly explore and sightsee, to actually enjoy.

“I think that would be nice, I’ve not traveled much.” I fisted one hand in his shirt as I imagined traveling with my men, seeing them laughing and exploring, trying new foods.

Bug’s horns were completely under control now that he’d acquired his new state, so Dezikiel had decided he could likely leave the Academy if it continued, although we all knew he had it under wraps now. As if his new angelic side had eradicated it. He still got uneasy, but he handled it.

“Bug can bring his writing with him, and Chum can still cook for us,” Creeper added.

“We could travel in a motorhome or something,” I added, picturing the whole thing. Sitting around a campfire with my men under the stars, enjoying hot drinks and rugging up, then sharing the one bed.

“We might need extra beds, the ones in the motorhome might not be big enough for all of us to sleep,” he chuckled.

I grinned as we shared our little visions of a life of travel, and the others joined in, sharing their own scenes and images of what they wanted.

Bug loved the idea of staying in a lodge in the snow, writing away, and then nestling with me and the others in front of a crackling fire, while Chum wanted to visit all sorts of fancy restaurants. Jack wanted to see historical landmarks and visit museums, to learn as much as he could while just enjoying being with me.

Creeper even wanted to see some musicals to my delight, I loved the idea of it.

Traveling sounded perfect, and a great way to figure out what I ultimately wanted to do.

‘You don’t have to figure it all out right now, Lily,’Jack said sweetly in my mind.

‘Life’s a journey, and we’re in this together,’Bug added.

I leaned back to look up at Creeper as he cupped my face, all my men’s voices resounding in my mind as they said the same thing together.

‘We’ll figure this out together.’

That sounded perfect to me.