“I know they’ll find us. It’s just a matter of time. My duty is to guide the souls into Heaven and serve God. Allowing Armageddon does not sound like God’s plan, so if I must fight to protect you, daughter of Remiel, then so be it,” she said, and my heart skipped a beat. She knew they’d find us? Because of what I was?

“I will get you as far as I can, hopefully right to Michael himself, but they’ll have sensed I’ve left my post as well,” she explained.

“How far is it to Michael?” I dared to ask, and she shot me a determined look over her shoulder.

“I’ll get you there if I can.”

“And if you can’t?” I hated having to contemplate the worst case. I was on my own up here if something happened to Dariel. I had no idea where to go.

“Follow your instincts, let your grace guide you,” she stated as her grip around my wrist tightened.

What did that even mean? Did she mean listening to my mother? I’d figure it out, but I just hoped she could get me there.

Fuck. I was actually in Heaven, on my way to save the planet. The weight of it hit me hard, and I stumbled, but Dariel didn’t relent as she yanked me along after her.

I’d left my friends and my hellhounds behind without even a goodbye. What if it was the last time I saw them? What if I didn’t make it to Michael? What if I fell, never having even said farewell?

I gasped, drawing in a ragged breath as it hit me like a punch to the gut.

I could die here, die trying to protect everyone.

“Breathe, everything will be okay,” Dariel said over her shoulder, giving me a concerned glance but her gait not faltering.

“I’m meant to close the gates of Hell and save everybody,” I managed to huff out as my legs began to shake.

“And I believe in you, you can do it,” Dariel said. “You must do it, for the sake of the entire world.”

Yep. Totally the kind of pressure I needed right now.

I yelped as I slammed into her and stumbled back as she released my wrist. I steadied myself as Dariel’s wings erupted forth, and I watched in a daze as the white wings were magically coated in golden armor, her dress being replaced with a protective suit as her hair magically pulled up and disappeared in a golden helmet.

“Looks like I won’t be getting you to Michael, Lily. You’ll have to find your way there on your own now,” Dariel stated, her voice low as a sword manifested in her hands while she took up a defensive stance.

I followed her gaze, my heart plummeting at the sight of a dozen angels in suits further up the hall.

And I could feel their power vibrating through the air.

We didn’t stand a chance against them all.

“Go through a door, any door, and find your way. You can do this, Lily. You have to!” she barked the last part as she shot forward, the angels dashing towards her as I stumbled back.

“Go, Lily, now!” Dariel shouted as she raised her sword for battle.

I spun away, not wanting to see how the scene played out. I couldn’t let her down. I couldn’t let everyone I cared for down.

I hurled myself at the nearest door and shoved it open, begging my power to come forth as I scrambled through.

The door slammed shut behind me, and my wings revealed themselves as I tore across the grassy field, ignoring the man playing catch with his son.

Where the fuck was I meant to go from here? Where the hell was here? A Heaven for some damn soul? A section of Heaven? Why couldn’t Dariel have explained it more or given me more direction? Fuck!

I hurtled into the trees, my chest tight as I sucked in mouthfuls of air, my entire body trembling. Branches caught on my wings, but I didn’t let up as I ran, my sneakers pounding on the fallen leaves.

I had to keep moving. I couldn’t let them catch me. But where? Where was I going?

‘Keep going,’my mother’s voice was a welcome relief in my mind, and I focused on it as I continued madly running through the trees.
