I slowed as I spied a strange stone arch to my right. I would’ve missed it if my mother’s voice hadn’t pointed it out.

I turned towards it, glancing over it as I pulled up before it.

‘A doorway. Use your power.’

I nodded as I let my power flow forth, and the empty space in the archway took on a translucent appearance, shimmering like oil before me.

I didn’t want to stick around to see if those angels had gotten past Dariel. Surely she couldn’t have held them all off for long. Had she sacrificed herself for me? A mere stranger to her?

I gritted my teeth and balled my hands. I had to do this.

I stepped through the doorway, shivering as the magic of it rippled over me. The forest scene around me shifted in a blur like I was warping through an area.

When I stepped out fully, I was in someone’s backyard, standing by a swing set as I looked up at the house.

Night had fallen, and the house was lit up like the others around it. Was I still in Heaven? Yes, even as I thought it, I knew. I could feel it in the air.

But where was I now? Where had the doorway brought me?

I turned around to check the archway but frowned when I was only greeted by the back fence.

Okay, no archway there anymore. Great, that was helpful.

I turned back to the house, hearing faint conversations inside. Why had it brought me here?

I hesitantly started across the yard, taking in the small sand pit and bicycle discarded on the freshly mowed grass.

Was this someone’s Heaven? Did I need to find another archway?

I continued up the back steps, the voices louder now. And for a split second, I thought I recognized one.

No, it couldn’t be…

I rested my hand on the back door handle and held my breath as I tested it, my heart hammering.

Miraculously, it was unlocked, and I swung it open and stepped inside.

The chatter died down as I stood in the kitchen, looking across the counter at the family seated for dinner.

I stiffened as my gaze landed on a familiar face, and I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading.
