Istepped through the blinding light, instantly twirling my ring nervously as I looked around the strange white room I’d found myself in.
Overhead, a depiction of God’s angel was painted into the dome ceiling, and I glanced over them before I focused on the room again. It was large but empty, a few steps leading to a set of heavy looking doors at the far end. A glance behind me revealed only a white wall.
Was this Heaven?
I started forward, scanning the bare room for any signs of life. Jackiel had said Dariel would be here. But where was she?
I paused at the foot of the steps as I swallowed back my unease. Was it really this easy to get into Heaven? Just march right on through the front doors? Was this even Heaven? It seemed too… easy, and plain. No grand golden gates or singing angels, hell, there was no one here at all.
“Who are you?”
I jumped backwards as the woman appeared before the doors in a flowy white summer dress. Definitely different to the other angels I’d seen, but those piercing blue eyes bore into me as she stood firm before the doors.
“Lily, Jackiel and Remiel sent me to speak with Michael,” I blurted out, and she frowned. “You must be Dariel?”
“That is correct,” she said as she surveyed me, her lip quirking in the corner. Her curly brown hair tumbled over her shoulders, and I noticed she wasn’t wearing any shoes. Not at all what I’d expected a Gatekeeper to look like.
“Please, Jackiel said you could help me. That you could take me to Michael,” I said carefully as she padded down the stairs with the grace and fluidity of a dancer.
“I can help you find him, but even I can sense what you are. Others will too. Even with all your own power warding you,” she stated as she circled me, inspecting me like I was some fine piece of art that had been delivered to her.
She drew up in front of me as she folded her arms, a smile forming.
“I remember Remiel speaking of the hybrid, the one who would save us all. Her vision has come to fruition then,” she said as she arched a brow at me.
“Please,” I whispered as she continued to study me for a moment.
“Okay, I’ll help you traverse the white city of Heaven. But we will need to go the back ways, they’ll know you’re here,” she said as she let her hands fall to her sides. “Let’s go.”
She turned to one of the walls, and I watched in amazement as she waved her hand over the surface, a golden door frame appearing right before her.
She turned to me and offered her hand, and I drew in a steadying breath. This was it. No turning back now.
I steeled myself as I reached out, and she smiled.
“Let’s go save the world.”
I gasped as Dariel pulled me through the wall, and I found myself in a white hallway with unmarked doors lining both sides.
She didn’t let up, instead; she dragged me along behind her quickly, and I hurried after her.
“Helping me could get you into trouble, right?” I asked as we darted down the hall.
“It’s the right thing to do. Heaven is in shambles right now with the fall of the High Council, angels are struggling to choose a side, many don’t know who to stand with,” Dariel said as we reached the end and turned the corner.
Down another hall we went, and I wondered just how far it would be until we reached Michael.
“What is this place?” I asked. I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting, an actual white city? Or magical gardens like Eden? I certainly hadn’t expected endless hallways, even with mySupernaturallove.
“Each of these doors takes you to a different section of Heaven. Each section contains multiple Heavens of those who’ve come here. Each soul has their own Heaven, a small world they live in. Michael and some of the other older archangels have retired into their own section of Heaven,” Dariel explained.
“Is there actually a city?” I asked, and she snorted.
“Of course there is, but I can’t take you there. They’ll sense you immediately. The grand white city of Heaven. Some souls are even allowed to join us there if they’re deemed worthy,” she said as we turned down yet another hall. This one looked to be as long as I could see with no end in sight.
“Aren’t you afraid they’ll find us?” I hissed as she dragged me along after her.