Ifollowed Jack into what Miss Sage had said was one of their many safe houses in the state. My hellhounds walled me in on all sides as Jayden led the way into the house, and I glanced back at Hadley and Diane as they followed with Lana and the others.

“Are you nervous?” Bug asked from the left of me, and I nodded. He instantly took my hand in his, and I accepted the welcome comfort from him as we filed into a large kitchen.

A short man with a receding hairline was sipping what looked to be whiskey as he lazily eyed us.

“Jackiel, this is Lily, the one Dezikiel and Jophiel wanted us to get to you safely,” Jayden said as he stepped aside.

Jack didn’t seem to want to move at first as he stared down at the short man, but after a moment of intensity, he moved so that I could see the angel fully.

Short and round fit him perfectly. So much for angels being all dressed up in suits and looking like businessmen. This guy looked like he sold crack under the table.

“Well, you certainly have some power to you, even I can feel it,” Jackiel tutted as he downed the last of his drink. “So, Jophiel sent you to me, huh?”

“Yes…” I said as I glanced at Jayden and then Miss Sage, uncertain as to what he’d been told.

“Well, go on, why?” he said as he gestured at me with his now empty glass.

“Jophiel believed you could get me into Heaven,” I started, and he just scoffed as he set the glass on the counter and rubbed the scraggly gray-brown beard he sported.

“Why would I get you into Heaven?” he pressed, and Jack growled, causing all of my hellhounds to rumble.

“Oh, call your hounds off, jeez,” he huffed as he poured himself another whiskey.

“This guy’s an angel?” Xander balked, and Jackiel arched a brow at him.

“That’s rich, coming from a demon,” Jackiel shot back with a smirk, and Xander scowled.

“My father said that my mother met with a prophet, who told him I had the power to close the gates of Hell permanently,” I explained in an effort to ease the tension in the air. I could tell this guy was an angel, but he looked nothing like the other ones I’d seen.

“Sounds like a lot of ‘he said, she said’,” he remarked as he sipped his topped-up whiskey.

“Can you get her into Heaven or not?” Jack growled.

“Relax, damn, don’t get your tail in a knot,” Jackiel muttered with an eye roll. “I can get her in, there are back doors everywhere. Where is Dezikiel and Jophiel?”

“We don’t know,” Miss Sage spoke up, and Jackiel clucked his tongue.

“Well, I can at least let you know they’re not dead, in case you were wondering,” he said off-handedly as he wandered over to the fridge.

I just watched him, perplexed by his nonchalant behavior. He seemed completely off in his own world, not caring in the slightest that we were here.

“Do you know where they are?” Miss Sage asked carefully, as if she expected him to scoff and tell her to shove it. I honestly wouldn’t have been surprised.

“Nope, not a clue,” he said as he scanned the contents of the fridge and sighed. “We should order pizza.”

“She just told you she can close the gates of Hell, and you want pizza?” Wayne scoffed, stunned by the bizarre angel as much as the rest of us. Jayden just gave us a sympathetic look. I wondered how much grief he’d given them too.

“You have no proof she can, only here-say. Sure, I can sense her power, but for all we know, her parents lied to her,” Jackiel shrugged as he closed the fridge.

“No, they wouldn’t lie,” I ground out. I knew it was true, I’d heard my mother’s words, and my father had died after telling me everything.

“Okay, riddle me this, Miss Lily, just who was your mother then, hmm?” he asked as he turned to face me with an amused look.

“Remiel,” I whispered, and his smile faltered.

“Remiel?” he repeated, his brows now knitting together as his mouth set in a grim line. “You’re positive?”