“Caleb,” the man said as he dropped his hands. The green glow around him had faded, but he’d stepped into the headlights of the car now. He looked only a few years older than Wayne himself.
Two more people emerged from the trees, and I looked back to see Miss Sage rushing down the steps with my hellhounds, their eyes blazing.
“It’s okay, it’s Everwood Hunters,” Wayne called out before my hellhounds came barreling over.
“Dezikiel sent for you?” Miss Sage asked as everyone moved to the cars.
The two new people were apparently known, since Hadley and Diane both hugged the petite brunette, while Wayne shook the hand of the bulky blond man that looked like he should be on a surfboard rather than wielding the handgun he had.
“Yes, he did. We actually came out here earlier today,” the blond man said.
“Jayden, it’s been a while,” Miss Sage said as she shook his hand.
“That it has been,” he said with a lopsided smile as he glanced around at us all. “So, we hear there’s an angel hybrid we need to get to Jackiel?”
“Jackiel?” Wayne frowned as Paris stepped up beside him.
“The angel who was hiding out here. We came and he was waiting. Opted to come with us as he feared his location had been compromised. Something about an attack on the Academy,” Jayden said as his smile dropped.
“Yes, angels came. How did he know that?” Wayne spoke up.
“Because from what Jophiel said, he’s not a fallen angel, he’ll still have a link to Heaven and the angels, so he’ll know what’s going on,” Miss Sage explained.
“Like angel radio?” Chum jumped in, and I had to keep from snickering at theSupernaturalreference.
“Something like that,” Lana said, her voice soft, but she gave us all a smile.
“We can take you to him, we’ve got him at a safe house nearby. Lana added extra warding, so it’ll be safe,” Jayden said.
“When did you hear from Dezikiel?” Miss Sage asked for clarification.
“Forty-eight hours ago,” he answered, and Miss Sage sighed. “Nothing since then?”
“No, is he okay?” Jayden shared a look with his two comrades as they shifted uneasily.
“We don’t know,” Miss Sage said truthfully. “Let’s just hope he catches up to us.”
“Right, I’m sure he’s fine,” Jayden forced a smile, but it didn’t meet those baby blue eyes of his. “Well, let’s get you to Jackiel. Dezikiel made it sound mighty important that we get you to him safely. He wanted us to wait here as back-up for you, but we ended up moving Jackiel,” he explained.
“It’s fine, let’s just go before more of them show up,” Miss Sage said quickly, and he nodded.
We loaded back into the cars as the three Hunters headed down the drive, and Hadley used her magic to make sure we were safe right up to their vehicle.
Then we were off once more, following along after them, and I settled into Creeper’s lap, my stomach lurching.
We were finally going to meet this angel.