We stiffened as Hadley held out a glowing green hand to test the magic.
“It’s old, was laid a long time ago,” she said as she started forward. “I don’t feel anything else.”
“Should we check inside then? See if our angel is hiding out in this shit hole?” Wayne said as he cocked his head at the house.
“I’ll go, Jack, Creeper, you’re with me, Paris, you too. The rest of you remain here,” Miss Sage ordered.
“Be careful,” I said as Jack moved off, and he tossed back a charming smile, while Creeper just nodded as they headed up the front steps.
“Do you think Jophiel was wrong? Maybe the angel left?” Diane wondered aloud.
“Considering we have no way of contacting Dezikiel and Jophiel, I hope not. I hope we can still find him, or this would’ve been a waste,” Wayne said as he undid his own holster, ready to draw at a moment’s notice.
I just watched quietly as Miss Sage tested the front door before shoving it open, her gun aimed and ready as she led the others in. My heart lurched as Creeper and Jack disappeared inside the dark house silently, and I sucked in a breath.
“Do you hear that?” Bug hissed as he stepped closer to Chum and me. Chum growled, and I looked up at him to see the fire burning to life in his eyes.
“Someone’s coming,” he rumbled as he moved to position himself in front of me as Bug moved behind me.
“Multiples, on all sides,” Bug added as he swiveled his head as his horns protruded.
“Got an actual count?” Wayne asked as he searched the shadows for whatever my hellhounds were sensing.
“At least a dozen,” Hadley said as she threw out a glowing hand, a shock wave of green magic rippling through the area.
“Demons,” Diane hissed.
Fantastic. Just what we needed right now.
We dropped down instantly as a shot was fired, and Wayne ducked behind the closest car.
It took me a moment to realize he wasn’t the one who’d fired, and another to figure out it hadn’t come from the house either.
A few more sounded off, then shouts rose up in the trees around us.
“Don’t shoot!” Someone called out. “Fellow Everwood Hunters!”
Chum’s growls didn’t falter though, and he shot off as the first person exited the tree line.
“Wait!” Diane cried out as a green glow erupted around the person cast in shadows, revealing his face. “He’s telling the truth!”
Chum drew short before him, still growling madly as he glanced over the young man who had his hands up in the air.
“What’s going on?!” Wayne demanded as he lurched over to join Chumley.
“Dezikiel sent for us, told us to come here. Lana sensed demons, so we moved through the trees and took them out,” the man said quickly.
“How many of you are there?” Wayne asked as Hadley stepped forward.
“Three of them,” she answered before the man could, and he flicked his gaze between the pair.
“Lana,” Diane murmured as relief spread across her face.
“You know her?” Bug asked, and I could feel the warmth from him at his closeness. That and I imagined he’d been on the verge of shifting to defend us.
“Yes, one of the only other witch demonics that have come through Everwood,” she shared.
“What’s your name?” Wayne demanded as he lowered his weapon finally.