Paris glanced over at her, and Hadley just drew in a shuddering breath.

“What happened?” Chumley asked, not seeming to understand the unspoken words.

“He died, killed by a demon,” Miss Sage said sharply as she set her shoulders.

“I’m sorry,” Hadley whispered, but Miss Sage shook her head.

“Don’t be. It wasn’t a healthy relationship, he followed me when I went on a hunt once. Guess he thought I was being unfaithful. It wound up being his death bed instead,” she said, although I could hear the guilt in her voice.

Hadley just nodded as she wiped her eyes and slumped back against the seat.

Creeper tightened his arms around me, and I took comfort in his embrace as I felt the pain for both Hadley and Miss Sage.

Why did love have to hurt so much?

* * *

“Stretch your legs and use the bathroom, I’ll grab us some snacks with gas,” Miss Sage instructed as she pulled up by the pump.

I was quick to get out of the car and stretch my legs as Hadley hurried off to the bathroom.

The sun was a welcome warmth on my skin as I walked around with my hellhounds, grateful that there was no one else out at this tiny gas station in butt fuck nowhere.

Wayne pulled up behind us and filled up as the others got out to stretch their legs too.

“If we keep at this pace, we should get there late tonight,” Miss Sage shared with us.

“Are you going to tell us where we’re going?” Xander asked as he stretched and glanced up at the clear blue sky.

“No, only Wayne and I need to know as the main drivers,” she stated as scanned the area.

“Hey, the Kingdom would’ve recharged by now,” I murmured as I leaned into Jack for comfort. The other Princes could be coming for me too, and I wasn’t sure if my warding would hide us from them. I’d only warded us from angels. But Hadley and Diane would likely be warding us from demons.

“I know. It’ll be fine though. We’re warded, and we can take on demons,” Jack said as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

“No demons can track us, I can promise you that. Hadley and I have warded us, they won’t find us, even if they’re a Prince of Hell,” Diane assured me, having overheard.

“Well, I’m going to use the bathroom. God knows when we’ll be stopping again,” Paris muttered as she strode off just as Hadley returned.

“Wonder how things will go with this angel,” I mused out loud as I returned to the car and leaned on it.

Miss Sage said nothing as she finished filling up and headed inside only moments before Wayne.

“Wonder why she’s so secretive about it,” Diane said as she watched after them.

“Probably in case one of us gets taken or something, they can’t give up the location,” Jack stated, and I chewed my cheek at the thought. I’d warded us, and Hadley and Diane were taking care of cameras and such, along with warding the cars. We were as safe as we could be.

“Have we really thought of every possible way they could be tracking us?” I asked out loud.

“Cameras, sensing our natures, phones, license plates, car model and make. Our magic is making it so the cars are constantly appearing as different models and makes to those who see them, and to cameras,” Hadley explained.

“Which is damn draining actually,” Diane huffed.

So why couldn’t I shake this odd feeling that we were missing something?

“Weapons can also be tracked in bulk.”

I stiffened as snarls rose up in my hellhounds, but we all froze as we spotted Paris being marched from the back of the building by an angel with a blade to her throat.